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Updated: August 1, 2024

Then, under Margaret's guidance, we carried the mummied body of Queen Tera from her room into her father's, and laid it on a couch. We put the sheet lightly over it, so that if she should wake she could at once slip from under it. The severed hand was placed in its true position on her breast, and under it the Jewel of Seven Stars which Mr. Trelawny had taken from the great safe.

Meanwhile, Tranta, who had found a particularly nice korinda bush, and crept into it, considered himself safe. He knew the beaters were coming; he had heard them when they were doing their best to lure Tera forth, so he crouched still closer in his hiding-place. As the noise stopped he knew, with his tiger instinct, that they would soon find him out, and they appeared sooner than he expected.

Then stepping over to where the mummy cat stood on the little table, she placed her hand on it. She had now left the sunlight, and the shadows looked dark and deep over her. In a clear voice she said: "Were I Tera, I would say 'Take all I have! This night is for the Gods alone!" As she spoke the sun dipped, and the cold shadow suddenly fell on us. We all stood still for a while.

The strange tragedy of his loss and gain for the child was born after the mother's death took place during the time that we stood in that trance in the Mummy Pit of Queen Tera. It seemed to have become in some way associated with his Egyptian studies, and more especially with the mysteries connected with the Queen.

If so, had the Sorceress had anything to do with her birth at all? It was evident so I took it again from Corbeck that there was a strange likeness between Margaret and the pictures of Queen Tera. How could this be? It could not be any birth-mark reproducing what had been in the mother's mind; for Mrs. Trelawny had never seen the pictures.

"Perhaps the most remarkable statement in the records, both on the Stele and in the mural writings, was that Queen Tera had power to compel the Gods. This, by the way, was not an isolated belief in Egyptian history; but was different in its cause.

After this, however, Tera had rather an anxious time, for, once having taught the cubs to wander forth, she could not keep them at home, and, as she had thoughtfully made her lair near a farm, the cubs amused themselves night after night by killing as many animals as they could find.

An ordinary rope would be rendered weaker or unsafe in process of time, but she imagined, and rightly, that the iron would endure. "What her intentions were when once she trod the open earth afresh we do not know, and we never shall, unless her own dead lips can soften and speak." The Purpose of Queen Tera "Now, as to the Star Jewel! This she manifestly regarded as the greatest of her treasures.

Over all, sarcophagus, coffer and, indeed, all in the room, was a sort of black film of greasy soot. I went over to the couch. The white sheet still lay over part of it; but it had been thrown back, as might be when one is stepping out of bed. But there was no sign of Queen Tera! I took Margaret by the hand and led her over.

Margaret must have had a suspicion of what was coming, for it was with a sinking voice that she asked: "What are you going to do now?" Mr. Trelawny too must have had a suspicion of her feelings, for he answered in a low tone: "To unroll the mummy of Queen Tera!" She came close to him and said pleadingly in a whisper: "Father, you are not going to unswathe her!

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