Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 2, 2024

The taxi-man made a mistake in the address and took me further down the road. Well, so you have been doing good business for us eh? You have found Mateo Sanz!" "Yes. I recognized him," I said. "I have just been with Superintendent Risden, of Scotland Yard, and we have seen our friend whom we have wanted for so long. He is quite unsuspicious.

Then I was scared, for instead of Sam being in danger, I felt that maybe I was being kidnapped. I hesitated at the curbing as I got out of the taxi. "Through that warehouse and to your left you'll find the gentleman. Good morning, miss," said the nice taxi-man as he touched his cap and drove off and left me to my fate.

G.J. signalled across the street to the taxi-man who telephoned every morning to him for orders. He had never owned a motor-car, and, because he had no ambition to drive himself, had never felt the desire to own one. The taxi-man experienced some delay in starting his engine. G.J. lit a cigarette. Concepcion came out, alone. He had expected her to be with the Marquis, with whom she had arrived.

"I know from personal observation that there is a tea-shop in Tottenham Court Road a sort of quiet, privately-owned place Pilmansey's which these two used to frequent. I don't know if that's of any use to you?" "Any detail is of use, sir," answered Ayscough, making another note. "Now, I'll tell this taxi-man to drive you back to the hospital.

The professor said that his visit was unexpected. They would have to manage without a light. The boat-man feared that, in that case, the terms might "run to" a bit more. But, upon receiving a wink from the taxi-man, did not waste time in stating how far they might run, but devoted himself to the encouragement of a cold engine and the business of getting under way.

"For you know I don't much like driving Americans." "But I am English." "Well, that's better. I was on the English Front once, driving for the French Mission." "Why don't you like Americans?" "Among other things they give me two francs when three is marked!" "But once they gave you ten where three was marked!" "That's all changed!" laughed the taxi-man. "And it's a long story. I don't like them."

Her portrait had already appeared in the picture papers along with that of Queen, but the papers had deemed it necessary to remind a forgetful public that Mrs. Carlos Smith was the same lady as the super-celebrated Concepcion Iquist. The taxi-man hesitated for an instant on hearing the address, but only for an instant. He had earned the esteem and regular patronage of G.J. by a curious hazard.

He could speak no modern Greek, but when the taxi-man, on their return to the Piraus, demanded by signs 7 pounds as his fare, my brother, hot with indignation at such an imposition, summoned up all his memories of the Greek Testament, and addressed the chauffeur as follows: "o taxianthrope, mae geyito!"

"That's where you and me don't agree," said the policeman. "I came to the conclusion this morning that we don't ask the reason why enough not by 'alf. Now if somebody did as you say, and started collectin' policemen, what would be the reason?" "Reason?" shouted the taxi-man. "Don't arsk me for a reason." He turned to his taxi-cab and jerked the starting handle violently.

They were forced to devote several minutes to intense concentration, for if such an order had been given there must have been a reason for it. "Somep'm 'bouta coat," suggested the taxi-man. That was it. Peter's overcoat and hat. He had left them at Delmonico's. Having decided this, they disembarked from the taxi and strolled toward the entrance arm in arm. "Hey!" said the taxi-driver. "Huh?"

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