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For a moment, to Kirkwood, tagging after her with an uncomfortable sense of having somehow done the wrong thing, her figure full fair shoulders and arms rising out of the glittering dinner gown cut a gorgeous silhouette against the darkness. Then, with a sudden, imperative gesture, she half turned towards him. "But," she exclaimed, perplexed, gazing to right and left, "but the cab, Mr. Kirkwood?"

Without further word he strode off on the back road. It was so dark that he might have done so safely, but he did not look back. Nevertheless, a pleased grin spread over his face, for he was soon aware that Phil was tagging along not many paces behind. That had always been the way.

How did it go? Well, wouldn't it make you think you were a Lady, sure enough, if you couldn't move without that lace train billowing after you; without being dazzled with diamond-shine; without a truly Lord tagging after you? He kept his head, Lord Harold did even if it is a mutton-head. That helped me at first. He was so cold, so stupid, so slow, so good-tempered so just himself.

You're to have all your meals with us." "And I'll help you get them!" Mary cried excitedly. "You'll find me tagging around after you most of the time. For, think of it, you're the only woman I'm going to see in months!" "Ye yes, Mary." "Jack, you run along, there's a dear," commanded Mary, "and unpack your things. Matilda and I want to have a little chat."

"I am sure you will," returned Mrs. Crowninshield kindly. "And do not worry if it takes a little time to win all the dogs over to your authority. Dogs are like children when they change masters. They will try to play it on you at first. Just be firm with them and soon you will have them tagging at your heels, docile as lambs."

He pointed to the old gentleman, but this it seemed had not been thought of. "He better come too," insisted Bean. "I'm his young friend, and this is indeed a happy moment. Jus' little ol' las' year's steamer." "You're tagging," accused the flapper viciously, turning to the Demon. Bean awoke late that night, believing he was dead that he had fallen in sleep and been laid unto his fathers.

Up in House 47 I gathered together the legion paraphernalia of this new occupation, some two hundred red cards a foot long and half as wide, a surveyor's field notebook for the preservation of miscellaneous information, tags for the tagging of canvassed buildings, tacks for the tacking of the same, the necessary tack-hammer, the medium soft black pencil, above all the awesome legal "Commission," impressively signed and sealed, wherein none other than our weighty nation's chief himself did expressly authorize me to search out, enter, and question ad libitum.

Above all things, the government must go out of the business of repression, must cease tagging the Negro as an outcast among his fellows. The men who administer affairs must be made amenable to the sentiment of the whole body politic and not simply that portion represented by the white citizenship.

Sancho tried to follow, but was checked with an impatient: "No, you can't go! What a plague you are, tagging around when people don't want you." Sancho might have answered, "So are you," but, being a gentlemanly dog, he sat down with a resigned expression to watch the little colts, who were now awake and seemed ready for a game of bo-peep behind their mammas.

So he returned once more and gave in an irresistibly rollicking way a song in Yankee dialect, the refrain to which, "Oh, my boy Jonathan is jest as good as gold! An' he always fills the wood-box 'ithout bein' told!" tagging as it did the various topics of the old farmer's discourse upon his son, never failed to bring laughter from his hearers.