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"I'm sorry to meet you with this sort of thing," she said, simply, "I blame myself now for not writing you just how I've come to feel about it! But I just want it SAID before we meet Alix " "Have what said?" he asked, surlily. "Have it understood," she pursued, patiently, "that we must make some arrangement for the future things can't be as they were!"

"It is well," he said, in the brief phrase so frequent with his people. "It is well." And with a reverent inclination of his head, he walked away. Margarita, still dawdling surlily over her work in Father Salvierderra's room, heard Alessandro's voice, and running to discover to whom he was speaking, caught these last, words.

"Don't you talk like that to me," he said surlily. "I don't like it." Bert's ankle hurt too much for him to continue the quarrel. He felt himself growing dizzy and he fell back. "Let us go home," whispered Nan. "I'll ride you home if you can't walk," put in Charley, who was growing alarmed.

Warburton at first looked surlily at me; but after we had been jostled into conversation he took me to a window, asked me some questions, and before we parted was so well pleased with me that he patted me.

He narrowed his eyes as he stared vindictively at Pat. "I must take a day off, after we get over the line," he snapped, "and break that animal to saddle, bridle, spur, quirt, and rope. He 'ain't never been broke, that horse, and he's naturally mean!" Jim sat up. "Not with me," he declared, quietly, "when we got acquainted. You ain't taking him right, that's all." Johnson eyed him surlily.

I bet they pinch you for something before you get out." "Come on, Charley; I never did see a place like this." "Aw, they're all over town." He followed her in surlily enough and then, with a morbid interest, round a room hung with photographs of victims in various emaciated stages of the white plague. "Oh! Oh! Ain't it awful? Ain't it awful? Read them symptoms. Almost with nothing it it begins.

Suddenly also I remembered with painful distinctness the remarks Mr Butterfield had made respecting Captain Longfleet, the commander of the "Emu," and his ruffianly crew. Certainly their appearance was not in their favour; and old Growles, who had received me so surlily, was not a good specimen of British seamen. What if the ship should prove to be a pirate, instead of an honest trader?

"Nobody but a stranger would go foolin' round such a spot." He stopped, as the rude significance of his speech struck him, and added surlily, "I mean no one would dig here." The girl laughed and showed a set of very white teeth in her square jaw. Cass averted his face. "Do you mean to say that every miner doesn't know that it's lucky to dig wherever human blood has been spilt?"

So I took the improvement in my poor wife's temper and conduct very surlily; the real fact being, I now believe, that I was inwardly vexed by being forced to feel that she was showing by her behaviour to me her superiority to myself.

He knew that if he had made a motion to get on the train, there might have been a scene, and he bade his family good-bye on the platform, before his covert audience of creditors. Lee was there, ostentatiously shaking hands with the ladies, but secretly watchful. Tappan was surlily attentive, leaving his milk-wagon tied in front of the station.