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You are a worthy man, Isaachar, a good man; you will have restored tranquillity to the mind of the beautiful countess," continued Stephano, in a bantering tone: "and she will be enabled to appear at court to-morrow, with her husband.

Taking from her bosom another slip of paper, she passed it to Stephano, who read its contents aloud for the benefit of his companions "The trial of Fernand Wagner will take place this day week. If he be acquitted, your services will not be required. The six bags of gold now upon the table are yours, as an earnest of reward, if ye assent. Double that amount shall be yours if ye succeed."

We soon met a waggoner going to Folligno; I persuaded Stephano to take the opportunity of putting a good distance between us and the scene of our last adventures; and, as we were eating our breakfast at Folligno, we saw another waggon, quite empty, got a lift in it for a trifle, and thus rode to Pisignano, where a devout person gave us a charitable welcome, and I slept soundly through the night without the dread of being arrested.

We had not been lying on the straw five minutes, when Stephano called out to me that one of the women had just placed herself near him, and at the same instant the other one takes me in her arms and kisses me.

First of all, we must find some one who will incline her in our favor, and render her confiding." "Oh, for that we have our good Russian gold," said Stephano, laughing. "And besides," continued the count, "our incognito is at an end. All Rome may now learn that I am here! Ah, Stephano, what a happy time awaits me! This Natalie is beautiful as an angel!"

"I tell thee, then, that Nisida is on this island there, in the very region into which thou wouldst descend, but to which thou wilt find no avenue save by my aid." "Nisida is here on this island," exclaimed Fernand in an ecstasy of joy. "Yes and Stephano, the bandit, likewise," added the demon.

"In the evening, when it is dusk," said Stephano. "But your lordship will not remain in Florence?" "The news which you brought me, a few days ago, of the arrest of that poor Israelite on a ridiculous but most monstrous charge, has affected me strangely," observed Manuel; "and as it is in my power to explain away that charge, I must tarry in Florence the necessary time to accomplish this object.

The cabin which had been allotted to her, or rather to which she had been confined, was in the portion of the wreck that still remained; and there she found a change of raiment, which Stephano had provided ere the vessel left Leghorn.

Friar Stephano amused me all day with his talk, which plainly showed me his ignorance combined with knavery under the veil of simplicity. He made me look at the alms he had received in Orsara bread, wine, cheese, sausages, preserves, and chocolate; every nook and cranny of his holy garment was full of provisions. "Have you received money likewise?" I enquired. "God forbid!

"This resolution to abandon the command of your gallant band is somewhat sudden, meseems, Signor Stephano," he said: for not having been present at the council held two nights previously, he was unaware of the captain's intention until it was alluded to in that individual's speech on the present occasion.