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She would brave it out as she had done before. "They call me Mrs. Stanton." "Is that your true name?" The Carnavons were imperious, unforgiving, and sometimes brutal. Many of them had been roues, gamblers, and spendthrifts, but none of them had ever been a liar. "No!" she answered firmly. Father Cruse settled back in his seat. The ring of sincerity in the woman's "No" had removed his last doubt.

The steed he bestrode was housed in cloth which dragged the ground; but of the color of the cloth or its material not a word can be said, so entirely was it covered with floral embroidery of diverse hues and figures. The decoration contributed little of grace to man or beast; nevertheless its richness was undeniable. To the spendthrifts in the galleries the effect was indescribably attractive.

They are spendthrifts in promises, niggards in the performance; the most crawling sycophants, and the most venomous slanderers; who feign the most honest simplicity, and are the most malicious of deceivers." Niccolini, Vita di Arnaldo da Brescia. De Consideratione, lib. iv. cap. 2.

We don't mean to intimate that men of genius must necessarily be sots and spendthrifts we merely speak of the fact that very many of them have been both, and in some instances much worse than both. They might have written better had their private lives been purer, but of this nobody can determine for the pretty good reason that nobody knows. So with actors.

Monsieur Griffard was one of the boldest speculators in the world. He would lend large amounts to ruined spendthrifts whom their own servants summoned for their monthly wages, and yet, somehow or other, he always made his money by it. When I say "his money," I mean that he got back about twice as much as he expended. He did not risk his money for nothing.

Moreover, I have had enough of living here, and should like to try Moscow more especially since my sons are always begging me to give them a metropolitan education." "Oh, the fool, the fool!" reflected Chichikov. "He is for throwing up everything and making spendthrifts of his sons.

Then the "toff" broke into a cry of infinite tenderness and pity; he implored the men to come, and some sturdy fellows sobbed; but Jim did not understand where they were wanted to go, and he growled another oath. After this some of the fishermen spoke, and Jim heard how drunkards, fighting men, and spendthrifts had become peaceable and prosperous citizens.

There seems to be some justice in repaying out of the property that which was lent to the property when by Mr. Scarborough's own doing the property was supposed to go into the eldest son's hands. Though the eldest son and the money-lenders be spendthrifts and profligates alike, there will in that be something of fairness. Go there prepared with your opinion.

The lettre de cachet of old France, confining its victim in a state prison, was too elaborate a method to be used with the turbulent lower classes for them there were less dignified forms of proceeding; but it was freely employed against persons of any consequence. Spendthrifts and licentious youths were shut up at the request of their relations.

Sheridan was an unrivalled companion, could talk seven hours without making even Byron yawn. Steele was the most lovable of spendthrifts. Lending to these men was but a form of investment. They paid in a coinage of their own. But Leigh Hunt combined in the happiest manner a readiness to extract favours with a confirmed habit of never acknowledging the smallest obligation for them.