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Dost thou remember, Minna, what I said to thee up there?" he added, pointing to the summit of the Ice-Cap. "He is terrible again," thought Minna, trembling with fear. The voice of the Sieg accompanied the thoughts of the three beings united on this platform of projecting rock, but separated in soul by the abysses of the Spiritual World.

Majestat letzteren Sieg frohlich odor traurig sein soll, weil eben der gluckliche Sieg, der neue Lorbeern um Dero Scheitel geflochten hat, uber mein Vaterland Jammer und Elend verbreitet.

Let us sing it to that melody!" And through the tailor's shop, hitherto so peaceful and silent, resounded the song of the Black Riflemen: "In's Feld, in's Feld, die Rachegeister mahnen, Auf, deutsches Volk, zum Krieg! In's Feld, in's Feld! Hoch flattern unsere Fahnen, Sie fuhren uns zum Sieg!" "Klein ist die Schaar, doch gross ist das Vertranen Auf den gerechten Gott!

"I am pretty confident that the Yule block will be found, in its first use, to have been only a counterpart of the Midsummer fires, made within doors because of the cold weather at this winter solstice, as those in the hot season, at the summer one, are kindled in the open air." The Sieg and Lahn are two rivers of Central Germany, between Siegen and Marburg. A. Kuhn, op. cit. ii. § 523, p. 187.

After mentioning the custom of feeding the cattle and shaking the fruit-trees on Christmas night, to make them bear fruit, he goes on as follows: "Other customs pointing back to the far-off times of heathendom may still be met with among the old-fashioned peasants of the mountain regions. Such is in the valleys of the Sieg and Lahn the practice of laying a new log as a foundation of the hearth.

The summit of this rocky mass, rising sheer from the fiord on one side, slopes gradually downward to the east, where it joins the declivities of the Sieg and forms a series of terraced valleys, the chilly temperature of which allows no growth but that of shrubs and stunted trees.

The village of Jarvis might perhaps have communicated with the interior of Norway and Sweden by the river Sieg; but to do this and to be thus brought into contact with civilization, the Strom-fiord needed the presence of a man of genius.

They alone, perhaps, can thread their way through the tortuous channels of the reef, or flee with the battling waves to the everlasting rebuff of the Falberg whose white peaks mingle with the vaporous clouds of the pearl-gray sky, or watch with delight the curving sheet of waters, or hear the rushing of the Sieg as it hangs for an instant in long fillets and then falls over a picturesque abatis of noble trees toppled confusedly together, sometimes upright, sometimes half-sunken beneath the rocks.

The upper end of the fiord, where the waters enter it as they come down from the forest, is called the Siegdahlen, a word which may be held to mean "the shedding of the Sieg," the river itself receiving that name.

Lass von seiner Fahne Spitzen strahlen Sieg and Furchtbarkeit!" The excitement of the audience grew constantly bolder and more impetuous. The men left their seats and crowded around the imperial bog, repeating again and again the words "Lass von seiner Fahne Spitzen Strahlen Sieg and Furchtbarkeit!"