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We must be wise, and listen to what those speak who know how to address the Shiuana, and what to give them. We must learn in order to act. I have learned, and thus I have become uakanyi. And he who will soon be where in time we also shall find rest, he taught me many things. He was good and wise, very good, our father the maseua," he added, sighing deeply.

Every one cannot think, 'I am strong and wise, and I will follow the enemy. If the Shiuana do not help him, the strongest is weak, and the wisest is a child before the foe. See, satyumishe, I am as good a uakanyi as any one, but I do not know whether, when the Hishtanyi Chayan says in the uuityam which men shall go and take from the Tehuas what is proper, I may go with them.

And he felt unconsciously that he was the pillar on which rested the safety of his people, he and the Shiuana! The feeling was no source of pride; it was a terrible load, which he longed in vain to share with some one else.

Four days hence we shall know what the Shiuana think, and on the night following" he turned to the tapop "we will tell you here what to do. In the meantime," he uttered these words like a solemn warning, "hush! let none of you exchange one word on what we have heard or seen to-night.

Just as there are Shiuana who assist the hunter, there are those who help us, that we may strike the enemy and take away from him what makes him strong, that it may strengthen us. Look at Tyame, the nashtio of Tzitz hanutsh; he is swift and strong, but he knows not how to call to Those Above and around to help him take the scalp of the Moshome.

"What may Tyope want with it?" asked the boy. "I have seen uashtanyi like this, but they stood before the altar and there was meal in them. It was when the Shiuana appeared on the wall. What may sa nashtio use this for?" "I don't know," Mitsha replied, and her eye turned to her mother timidly askance and with an expression of doubt.

"Its women and its children are well! But we, at the lower end of the cliffs," he extended his arm to the east, "starve in order that your daughters and the little ones whom we have begotten to the other clans shall not perish. We had no more than food enough to pray for, to fast for, in order that the Shiuana might not let our brethren be lost." "How many Koshare are there in Tzitz hanutsh?

For the Tehuas are people like ourselves, are they not?" "They are indeed Zaashtesh, like the Queres. But I do not know how the Shiuana feel toward them. Old men who knew told me that the Moshome Tehua prayed to Those Above and around us, and that they call them Ohua.

"When he was coming to speak to me the rainbow stood in the skies. Is not that a sign that the Shiuana are with my child?" Topanashka smiled a kind, benignant smile, and said, "It is right to think thus, sa uishe, but remember that the rainbow is a messenger to a great many and for many purposes.

Extensive formalities were required to ascertain first how far the Shiuana appeared favourable to the new-comer, and how he should make himself understood to them. The medicine-men had to make strenuous efforts in behalf of the visitor.