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Sharpeye and Scissors were to be honored with the post of general editors; and the musical department, which it was intended should be strong enough to drown all weak instruments, had been consigned to three magnificent harpers, who were capable of climbing a gamut of any number of notes.

But she has missed one, so Sharpeye, who knows all about it, says: 'Here's a young man here makes eight, who ain't of your family? 'No, Mr. Sharpeye, he's a weekly lodger. 'What does he do for a living? The young man here, takes the reply upon himself, and shortly answers, 'Ain't got nothing to do. The young man here, is modestly brooding behind a damp apron pendent from a clothes-line.

I suppose I must," said McLeod, "and I rather think that Flora will " A deep blush and an imploring look from Flora stopped him. Just then a rustle was heard among the leaves outside the circle of the camp-fire's light, and Kenneth cocked his gun as Sharpeye stalked forward and sat solemnly down by the fire.

Generally, Sharpeye directs our observation with a look, to the prints and pictures that are invariably numerous on the walls. Always, Trampfoot and Quickear are taking notice on the doorstep.

"I hope you haven't killed him, Sharpeye," said Kenneth, looking with some anxiety at the Indian's girdle, as though he expected to see a fresh and bloody scalp hanging there.

'Pretty well, sir, and hope you gentlemen are going to treat us ladies, now you have come to see us. 'Order there! says Sharpeye. 'None of that! says Quickear. Trampfoot, outside, is heard to confide to himself, 'Meggisson's lot this is. And a bad 'un! 'Well! says Mr. Superintendent, laying his hand on the shoulder of the swarthy youth, 'and who's this? 'Antonio, sir.

Victualler's assurance that he 'never allowed any language, and never suffered any disturbance. Sharpeye confirmed the statement, and the order that prevailed was the best proof of it that could have been cited. Victualler, and pass his evenings here. But we had not yet looked, Mr. Superintendent said Trampfoot, receiving us in the street again with military salute for Dark Jack. True, Trampfoot.

Sharpeye further intimates that when we have done with his services, he will step back and take that young man. Which in course of time he does: feeling at perfect ease about finding him, and knowing for a moral certainty that nobody in that region will be gone to bed.

'All right, Sharpeye? 'All right, sir. 'All right, Trampfoot? 'All right, sir. 'Is Quickear there? 'Here am I, sir. 'Come with us. 'Yes, sir. So, Sharpeye went before, and Mr. Superintendent and I went next, and Trampfoot and Quickear marched as rear-guard.

"I forgive him for getting angry with me, but I am not called on to ask forgiveness for being indignant with a man whom I supposed I had good reason to believe was a deceiver." "It is not necessary to ask forgiveness when no offence was meant," said Sharpeye, in good English, as he suddenly rose, and, advancing to the elder McLeod, held out his hand.