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Updated: August 19, 2024

Peter, St. John; by "Holy and Eternal Mother Wisdom," and a "holy and mighty angel of God," whose name was Ma'ne Me'rah Vak'na Si'na Jah; but the greater number are by living Shakers.

I guess that's all the difference." "But what a difference!" she exclaimed; and Lewis smiled. "I've come up for pennyroyal," the Shaker explained, sociably; "it grows thick round here." "Tell me about the Shakers," Athalia pleaded. "What do you believe?"

This sect had a name by which it was officially known to itself; but, like the Shakers, the Quakers, the Moravians, it early received a nickname, which it passively adopted, and even among its own members the body was rarely spoken of or thought of except as the Rixonites. Mrs.

The catholic spirit of Carlyle's works cannot be better illustrated than by the fact that he has received letters from all sorts and conditions of men, Methodists and Shakers, Churchmen and Romanists, Deists and Infidels, all claiming his fellowship, and thinking they find their peculiarities of thought in him.

The Shakers were the first people to raise, put up, and sell garden seeds in our present-day fashion, and it was they, too, who began the preparation of botanical medicines, raising, gathering, drying, and preparing herbs and roots for market; and this industry, driven from the field by modern machinery, was still a valuable source of income in Susanna's day.

At length that calm despair which occurs only in a strong and somewhat stubborn character, and yields to no second spring of hope, settled down on the spirit of Adam Colburn. He sought an interview with Martha, and proposed that they should join the Society of Shakers.

It was round, so she imagined you put something in it and shook it, for she had no idea the Shakers were a community and made dainty articles for sale, even if they discarded all personal vanities. She went through to the next room, which was the kitchen in winter and dining-room in summer.

James fastened upon him with the suggestion that according to Swedenborg the most celestial angels were unconscious of their own perfection, and that if the Shakers felt they were of angelic condition they were probably the sport of the hells. I was very glad to get my poor old friend off alive, and to find that he was not even aware of being cut asunder: I did not invite him to shake himself.

"We are as the angels of God," he said, simply. He left them and began to sickle his herbs, with the cheerfully obvious purpose of escaping further interruption. Athalia instantly bubbled over with questions, but Lewis could tell her hardly more of the Shakers than she knew already. "No, it isn't free love," he said; "they're decent enough.

It is handsome, but I prefer simpler lines," Mrs. Pennington continued meditatively. The Towers was a combination of feudal castle and Swiss châlet erected thirty years before by the parents of Augustus, and occupying a commanding position on Sunset Ridge. The irreverent sometimes referred to it as the Salt Shakers.

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