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Updated: August 14, 2024

The Erastianism of this settlement of religion, appears plain from the act of parliament 1592, noticed above, upon which the Revolution parliament did found it, as in Act 5th, Sess. 2, 1690, by which the forementioned act 1592, is ratified, revived, renewed and confirmed, in all the heads thereof, patronage excepted.

That temporal judges sometimes set prisoners under the writ free at their own discretion without notice to the spiritual judges, see Bancroft's Petition to the Privy Council in 1605, Cardwell, Doc. Ann. ii, 100. For hostility of temporal judges for ecclesiastical jurisdiction, see Bancroft, op. cit., 85. Hale, Crim. Cf. R.W. Merriam, Extracts from Wilts Quarter Sess. In Wilts Arch. and Nat. Hist.

Geary, Inaugural Address, Sept. 11, 1856. Senate Executive Documents, 3d Sess. 34th Cong. Vol. III., p. 116. General Heiskell to Geary, Sept. 11 and 12, 1856. Senate Ex. Doc., 3d Sess. 34th Cong. Vol. II., p. 97. Geary to Marcy, Sept. 16, 1856. Senate Ex. Doc., 3d Sess. 34th Cong. Vol. II., p. 107. Colonel Cook to Porter, A.A.G., Sept. 13, 1856. Ibid., Vol. III., pp. 113, 114.

Condition of Fort Moultrie. Temporary Defenses. Foster Requests Forty Muskets. The Question of Arming Workmen. Foster Receives Forty Muskets. Their Return Demanded. The Alleged Charleston Excitement. Floyd Orders the Muskets Returned. Foster's Compliance and Comment. Ibid., p. 37. Senate Ex. Doc., 3d Sess. 34th Cong. Vol. III., p. 38. Senate Ex. Doc., 3d Sess. 34th Cong. Vol. III., p. 45.

In three or four days more an irregular army of fifteen hundred men, claiming to be the sheriff's posse, was within striking distance of the town. Senate Ex. Doc., 3d Sess. 34th Cong., Vol. They were not only well armed and supplied, but wrought up to the highest pitch of partisan excitement.

This Erastianism further appears in the parliament's conduct with respect unto the Confession of Faith: see Act 5th, Sess. 2d, Parl. 1st, wherein thus they express themselves: "Likeas they, by these presents, ratify and establish the Confession of Faith, now read in their presence, and voted and approven by them, as the public and avowed confession of this church."

That was all the difference.... After seeing the sample he made a slight alteration. One was, to have a screw to put in, as the one here has, so that they could be unshipped in case of necessity." Blair, Testimony before Investigating Committee, Senate Report No. 278, 1st Sess. 36th Cong., pp. 121-2.

Crampton, same date, to same effect. H. Ex. Doc. No. 93, Thirty-third Cong., Second Sess., p. 3. Mr. Soulé to Mr. Marcy, November 10, and December 23, 1853, and January 20, 1854. The correspondence relating to the Black Warrior case and to the Ostend conference is contained in H. Ex. Doc. No. 93, Thirty-third Cong., Second Sess. Sen. Report No. 351, Thirty-fifth Cong., Second Sess., Vol. Sen. Ex.

Let the majority against the Government be ever so great in the Assembly, the official policy remained the same. The Upper House rejected Bill after Bill which had been passed by the Lower, and the Executive clung to their places in undisturbed serenity. The repealing statute is 1 Geo. IV. chapter 4. The statute repealed is 59 Geo. III., sess. 1, chapter 2.

T. C. Smith's Parties and Slavery, in American Nation series , and McMaster's History of the United States, vol. VIII, are very valuable. But the Census Reports of 1850 and 1860; J. E. B. DeBow's Industrial Resources of the South and West ; and U.S. Senate Executive Documents, no. 38, part 1, 52d Cong., 1st Sess., supply the needful statistics on population, crops, manufactures, and finance.

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