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Live in the sordidness of discoloured wall-paper for another year, or go through the anxiety of artistic effort and manufacturers' stupidity and delay, to say nothing of the expense, only to have the whole thing scrapped before the wedding? Doggie had a foretaste of the dilemmas of matrimony. He had a gnawing suspicion that the trim and perfect life was difficult of attainment.

Hoddan set to work with the remnants of a tool shop on the ancient yacht and some antique coils and condensers and such. He became filled with zest. He almost forgot that he was the skipper of an elderly craft which should have been scrapped before he was born. But even he grew hungry, and he realized that nobody offered him food.

The reader therefore is requested to unthink the present Bagdad Railway altogether, to 'scrap' it in his mind, as it will be probably scrapped on the map, since it is utterly useless for our purposes. Eastwards, again, from Aleppo the present Bagdad line is circuitous and indirect, admirably adapted to the German purposes for which it was constructed, but utterly unadapted to ours.

Wingate has promised to let me try it in the country next week." "So my Wolseley is to be scrapped?" Phipps asked, under his breath. She looked at him pleasantly enough but with a dangerous light in her eyes. "Have you a Wolseley?" she murmured. "Oh, yes, I remember! You offered to send it around to take me shopping." "I sent it around three mornings," he replied. "You did not use it once.

The right to question Ministers is one of the most important safeguards against improper action by the executive, but the House of Commons is discredited by the manner in which that right has often been exercised of late. What is long suspended is in danger of being totally abrogated. It is hardly too much to say that English Constitutional Law has been scrapped since the War.

When the earth has all been explored, when the last savage has been tamed, when the final cannon has been scrapped, and the world has settled down into unbroken virtue and unutterable dulness, men will cast their thoughts back to our age, and will idealize our romance and our courage, even as we do that of our distant forbears.

All but those twenty have been scrapped long ago. Well done Ireland! From the earliest time I can remember, and until well-advanced in manhood, I was delicate in health, troubled with a constant cough, thin and pale.

The machines, which he considered so wonderful and so change-compelling have already been "scrapped" for new machines of greater power and capacity for production.

Not to speak of other passions for work directly connected with the war, for instance which have had to be scrapped for a time. I can't bear the muddle and waste of this place. It gets on my nerves. Perhaps, if I stay, I may get a chance. I have made a small beginning with the food. But I won't bother you with it. 'Above all, I must try and make friends with the twins.

Helen and Belle obeyed Heavy, who seemed quite practical in this emergency. Ruth had no strength, or breath, for the time being, but lay Reside die fire herself. Meanwhile Madge and Lluella scrapped the red coals out from the rock and swept the platform clean with green branches.