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In this trackless maze, by slight indications of broken twigs or scraped bark, he finds his way with unerring certainty. "This curious region," says Wallace, "extends from a little above Santarem to the confines of Peru, a distance of about 1700 miles; and varies in width on each side of the river from one to ten or twenty miles."

There is a good vault springing from corbels, but the clerestory windows have been replaced by large semicircles. All the body of the church of Santa Maria da Marvilla at Santarem is built in the style of Dom João III., that is, the nave arcade has tall Ionic columns and round arches.

At length, in November, Masséna drew off to positions near Santarem, where he awaited the succour which Napoleon ordered Soult to bring. Wellington's success bore an immeasurable harvest of results.

In consequence of the delay of the operations, only one division of 7000 men was effectively at the disposal of the general when he took the road from Santarem.

It will be safer then to attribute it to one of the Coimbra Frenchmen. The same must be said of the tomb in the Graça church at Santarem. It was built in 1532 in honour of three men already long dead Pero Carreiro, Gonzalo Gil Barbosa his son-in-law, and Francisco Barbosa his grandson.

In the lower part of the Mahica woods, towards the river, there is a bed of stiff white clay, which supplies the people of Santarem with material for the manufacture of coarse pottery and cooking utensils: all the kettles, saucepans, mandioca ovens, coffee-pots, washing-vessels, and so forth, of the poorer classes, throughout the country, are made of this same plastic clay, which occurs at short intervals over the whole surface of the, Amazons valley, from the neighbourhood of Para to within the Peruvian borders, and forms part of the great Tabatinga marl deposit.

We have had but a tame life of it. I thought we might have seen some of the fun going forward at Santarem; but the whites had all escaped out of the place before we passed by, and the red-skins had possession of it." "I rather think we were fortunate in escaping those same red-skins!" exclaimed Houlston.

There was a lady at Santarem but my lips are sealed. It is the part of a gallant man to say nothing, though he may indicate that he could say a great deal. One day Massena sent for me, and I found him in his tent with a great plan pinned upon the table. He looked at me in silence with that single piercing eye of his, and I felt by his expression that the matter was serious.

Our detachment was lying some distance from Santarem on the Tagus; the actual name of the place is blotted from my memory by lapse of years. It was rather curious that while there we received our South American prize money; money taken from the very people we were now allied with, so that a great part of it was spent amongst them again.

The year 1811 was perhaps the least interesting, yet the most critical in the history of the Peninsular war. Wellington had not escaped criticism at home for allowing Masséna to remain so long unmolested near Santarem.