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Updated: August 22, 2024

Superstition ultimately succeeded where natural affection had failed; for the ex-Emperor, having inscribed maledictions on each of the five volumes of the Sutra with blood obtained by biting his tongue, and having hastened his demise by self-inflicted privations, he died eight years after being sent into exile the evils of the time were attributed to his unquiet spirit and a shrine was built to his memory.

The first three sects may be grouped under the head of the Hinayana, or Smaller Vehicle, as Southern or primitive orthodox Buddhism is usually called. Most of the early sects, as will be seen, were founded upon some particular sutra, or upon selections or collections of sutras.

The text itself further on proves this, when saying 'That Self is hidden in all beings and does not shine forth, but it is seen by subtle seers through their sharp and subtle intellect. Brahman. But how can the term 'the Unevolved' denote the evolved body? To this question the next Sutra furnishes a reply.

Just as for the Vedantist there exist in the light of the highest knowledge neither a personal God nor an individual soul, so the Mâdhyamika Sûtra can declare that the Buddha does not really exist.

This the Sutra means when saying, 'for separate is non-obstruction. As thus those meditations also which refer to auxiliary members of sacrifices have their own results, they may or may not be combined with the sacrifices, according to wish. Their case is like that of the godohana vessel which, with the view of obtaining a certain special result, may be used instead of the kamasa.

And the Sutra IV, 2, 3 declares that the things seen in dreams are mere 'Maya' because they differ in character from the things perceived in the waking state; from which it follows that the latter things are real. Nor do Smriti and Purana teach such a doctrine. Nor is it true that also according to Smriti and Puranas only non- differenced consciousness is real and everything else unreal. Gi.

'That from which, i. e. that highest Person who is the ruler of all; whose nature is antagonistic to all evil; whose purposes come true; who possesses infinite auspicious qualities, such as knowledge, blessedness, and so on; who is omniscient, omnipotent, supremely merciful; from whom the creation, subsistence, and reabsorption of this world proceed he is Brahman: such is the meaning of the Sutra.

There moreover is a special reason for understanding by the aja something that depends on Brahman. This the following Sutra states. But she begins with light; for thus some read in their text. The 'but' has assertory force. Up. Up.

But how can the word 'food' denote earth? To this the next Sutra replies. Earth on account of the subject-matter, the colour, and other texts.

The Purvapakshin holds the latter view on the ground that as 'Muni-hood' and 'learning' both connote knowledge, the word 'Muni' merely refers back to the knowledge already enjoined in the phrase 'after he has done with learning. For the text presents no word of injunctive force with regard to Muni-hood. This view the Sutra controverts.

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