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Out of his income he has furnished the Palais Royal, improved the apanages of the House of Orleans; and yet sooner or later all this property will revert to the nation. When we returned to France our inheritance was so encumbered that my brother was advised to decline administering on the estate; but to that neither he nor I would consent. For all these things people make no allowances.

But nothing of this ought to be allowed to blind us to the truly spiritual and holy developments of historical Christianity, much less, make us revert to the old Paganism or Pantheism which it supplanted. The great doctrine on which all practical religion depends, the doctrine which nursed the infancy and youth of human nature, is, "the sympathy of God with the perfection of individual man."

that the command of the army and navy be vested in persons to be named by them, on condition that after ten years it may revert to the crown; and 3. if these things be accorded, he pledges himself to give full satisfaction with respect to the war in Ireland. The reader is aware that the Presbyterians had long viewed the army under Fairfax with peculiar jealousy.

How much more constantly, then, did his lordship's thoughts revert to the Bosporus than the Liffey! all this home news was mean, commonplace, and vulgar.

It is now time to revert to the contest between the two houses respecting the proposed treaty with the king. he was suffered to call around him his servants, his chaplains, and such of his counsellors as had taken no part in the war; and, as far as outward appearances might be trusted, he had at length obtained the free and honourable treaty which he had so often solicited.

'I am making my soul, said he. 'I began my dinner with turbot and ended with scollops. It is now necessary to revert to that terrible page of Irish history, the famine, which culminated in what is still known as 'the black forty-seven. I have often been asked, 'How is it that Ireland could formerly support a population of eight millions as compared with only five now?

It is more probable that the hairiness of the former is due to partial reversion; for characters which have been at some former period long inherited are always apt to return. We have seen that idiots are often very hairy, and they are apt to revert in other characters to a lower animal type.

But trying as was our situation, we were in a measure compensated for our disappointment by the beauty of this unrivalled harbor; and to describe it fully, I must be allowed to revert to the period when the coast of Brazil was first made, with its bold outlines developing new beauties as we approached.

Suffice to say that we realized very soon that the substance of the plot was still a riddle. On the other hand, there was fresh scent, abundance of it; and the question was already taking shape were we to follow it up or revert to last night's decision and strike with what weapons we had?

For these purposes I have already made provisions in my will, with proviso that if, at the end of five years after my death, no news of him shall be obtained, the money set aside for these purposes shall revert to the main provisions of the will. It may be that he died of the Plague. It may be that he has fallen, or will fall, a victim to his own evil courses and evil passions.