Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The carriage entered by the gate of Aix and, without slackening speed, traversed the entire length of the town, with its narrow, winding streets, built to ward off both wind and sun, and halted at fifty paces from the Porte d'Oulle, at the Hotel du Palais-Egalite, which they were again beginning to quietly rename the Hotel du Palais-Royal, a name which it bore formerly and still bears to-day.

As though we ought meekly to have agreed to the Kaiser's plan of defeating France and using her defeat as a bridge to England and a means of conquering England! Uncommon nonsense about the war so we must rename Mr. Shaw's production! And what is all this that flows from the pen of Mr.

As at many another time his poetical gift gave him a merciful vent for his pent up feeling, so now it came to his aid, and upon the night of the day when she was laid to rest he poured out his sorrow in "The Paean" which he was afterwards to revise and rename, "Lenore" "An anthem for the queenliest dead that ever died so young A dirge for her, the doubly dead in that she died so young."

It required neither time nor confectionery to enable these two members of the family to rename the third. They viewed the strut of plain Mr. So-and-So at the prospect of commanding a vessel, and promptly dubbed him Commodore.

Yet if the vessel were really one of mystery, as it seemed to be, its owner would no doubt go across to some quiet anchorage on the Algerian coast out of the track of the vessels, and calmly proceed to repaint, rename and disguise his craft so that it would not be recognized in Marseilles, Naples, Smyrna, or any of the ports where private yachts habitually call.

She knew that I'd never take care of you when she made that trip to Thailand to buy paintings for this so called gallery of hers just a partitioned backroom, more like a closet, that caused her to rename the store into 'The Gallery. Me, the arsonist, was in my own little kennel a cheap hotel room. But then yours was a little worse wasn't it?

"And we will never leave you again. I have been afraid to tell you how I love you. I thought I might offend you. I thought I ought to wait you know why. But I will never let you run the risks of this awful life alone again. You must rename the baby. From this day his name is John. And we will have the three Johns again back at the old ranch.

But his effort to rename him came to nothing. Scuffy gave no heed when called "Friday," but for "Scuffy" he sprang to attention instantly. Bill Dancing decided, off-hand, that "the pup" was worthless.