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And the ice went out of the upper river with a crunching roar. The Reds came on with their water attacks, but with little success. The Canadian artillery was well prepared and so well manned that it beat the Red flotilla badly. Fortunately the Bolo gunners were not as accurate as on former occasions. So losses from this source were comparatively few.

On the death of Santana in 1863, Luperon and Cabral became the leaders of the Blue party, and for several years after the expulsion of the Spaniards in 1865 the Reds and Blues took turns in setting up governments and having them overthrown.

Peter would go in there, and pretend to get something to eat, and would watch thru the window, and the moment he saw the right men come in, he would hurry out and signal to McGivney, who would be in a drugstore at the next corner. McGivney must keep out of sight himself, because the "Reds" knew him as one of Guffey's agents. It wasn't necessary to repeat anything twice.

With so few to defend the place the house will be our only chance." "When you've fought as much wi' Reds as I have, Dick, you'll larn that delay, even for five minutes, counts for a good deal." "Well, there's somethin' in that. It minds me o' what one o' my shipmates, who had bin in the London fire brigade, once said. `Dick, said he, `never putt off what you've got to do.

The other was at his side, but Travis put out a hand to ward him off. "Towers " He struggled to keep his wits through the pain and billowing weakness beginning to creep through him. "Reds mustn't get to the towers! Worse than the bomb ... end us all!" He had a hazy glimpse of Nolan and Jil-Lee closing in about him. The desire to cough tore at him, but they had to know, to believe....

This frightened the boys badly, for not one of them had ever been engaged in an Indian fight, and all were free to admit that they were not hankering after experience of that kind. After we struck North Platte we saw considerable Indian sign every day, but it was evident that the reds were in little bands.

On the very day of this disaster to the White Guards the Americans on the road were travelling the last forty-six versts rapidly by sleigh. News of this reinforcing column reached the Reds and no doubt slowed up their advance.

"Yet, Nolan, I do not believe that it is for more voyage tapes that our younger brother now searches, nor would those do us any good as our ship will not rise again from here. What is it that you do seek?" "Knowledge weapons, maybe. Can we stand against these machines of the Reds? Yet many of the devices they now use are taken from the star ships they have looted through time.

There was a Miss Yankovich, one of the real Reds, who trained with the I. W. W.; but she was a Jewess, with sharp, black eyes that clearly indicated a temper, and frightened Peter. Also, he had a suspicion that she was interested in McCormick tho of course with these "free lovers" you could never tell.

New York Mail and Express. "'The Reds of the Midi' is a red rose from Provence, a breath of pure air in the stifling atmosphere of present-day romance a stirring narrative of one of the most picturesque events of the Revolution. It is told with all the strength of simplicity and directness; it is warm and pulsating, and fairly trembles with excitement." Chicago Record.