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Updated: August 3, 2024

Apelles never drew and Phidias never chiselled nose or brow of more classic perfection, and I have never seen the bow of Cupid in the mouth of any woman more ravishingly shown than in that feature of the countenance of the sorceress. "I said that but for one circumstance that face would have been beautiful beyond description.

I may mention that she was of what novel-writers call medium size, with features exquisitely regular, eyes ravishingly black, and a deep olive complexion, which though charms enough for one, were enhanced by tresses of black, silky hair, that fell down below her waist.

Such wonderful music was this that the very air about him seemed to be growing goldenly radiant; and with a certain awe creeping into his heart he seemed to hear low echoes of a music even more ravishingly beautiful that came faintly yet with a bell-like clearness from very far away.

It was his whim to see her first in this manner, to stare to his soul's content, to compare her in the flesh to the glorious picture his brain had painted. He made no doubt that she would far surpass the portrait in his mind: did not Ruby say she was ravishingly beautiful?

She was dressed ravishingly; slightly in a foreign style, the bodice being peaked at the waist, as was then the Portuguese persuasion. The neck, too, was deliciously veiled with fine lace and thoroughly veiled, for it was a feature the Countess did not care to expose to the vulgar daylight.

He appears to have formed the idea that any disgusting stink could be turned, by "kimustry," into a delicious perfume; and, further, that the more horrible the original stink might be, the more ravishingly delightful would be the perfume to be derived from it. One night, when the parliament of our shanty was assembled in full conclave, the Fiend enunciated his views.

Then came other sets of dancers even lovelier, more languishing; and again others with tambourines and musical instruments, that sang ravishingly.

But what was going to happen to us among these friendly-seeming people; and how if ever we were going to get back to the earth's surface, were questions we could not even try to answer. We ate of the appetizing food laid out on the long table. Shortly afterward we heard steps in the corridor outside the room. A woman entered. She was ravishingly beautiful, tall, slender but symmetrically rounded.

But not before he had secured the signature of the Bishop of Quebec to a copy of his birth-certificate, altered according to the judge's order procured at Montreal. Onward, onward, he impatiently counted the leagues of the sea by day. A ravishingly fair face beckoned in his dreams by night.

In all his life he had never encountered a woman so ravishingly pretty, so royally dressed; he could not believe his eyes; he looked at her with bewilderment. We must say, to the chevalier's credit, that he had a laudable attack of modesty, but unhappily as fleeting as sincere.

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