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Updated: August 22, 2024

She gave no reply to this question but presently said: "We had better go to-morrow, the first hour that's possible." "Go where? Do you mean to Nice?" "I don't care where. Anywhere to get away." "Before Gaston comes without seeing him?" "I don't want to see him. When they were all ranting and raving at me just now I wished he was there I told them so.

At last the dog rose, stretched himself, and, as if restless, sought here and there a new place to lie, and the sound of his claws upon the polished floor recalled the Judge from his almost unconscious reverie. He half opened his eyes and once or twice moved his thin lips. At last he spoke and into those commonplace words he put all the meaning which hours of ranting would have made less plain.

Nay, hear me out, child," he continued, as Kate was about to reply," I did not intend to speak of this now, but the Captain is a strict Churchman, and so were his ancestors, he says, for three hundred years, and he would not, I am sure, like one for whom he entertains such sentiments as he does toward you, to cast in her lot with those ranting Methodists."

He made the timid "speak up," the giddy, practise over and over again which side of the stage they were to enter and leave by; threw more spirit in here, checked ranting there, and ventured to object to the key in which Kate, as heroine, sang her song.

"Don't know!" he shouted. "I should damned well think you don't. Starboard your helm, you fool. You'll have us all aback!" "i, i, Sir," I answered, and hove the wheel over. I did it almost mechanically; for I was still dazed, and had not yet had time to collect my senses. During the following half-minute, I was only conscious, in a confused sort of way, that the Old Man was ranting at me.

And it is while society is in such a state, that persons are to be found ranting about the violation of the constitution, and refusing to protect the lives of the virtuous and the innocent, lest in their endeavours to do so they should intrench on the liberties of the guilty.

We should have no more meetings and political speeches by men who don't know what they are ranting about. We have got the rebels at our feet. Let us trample upon them." "It will not do," replied the commissioner, mildly, with his usual crafty calculation. "The home government will hear of the matter, and rake us over the coals for it.

Lucius Junius Booth was then strutting and ranting as Richard the Third; the fact of the Drury Lane copies of the dresses worn at the coronation of George IV. having been taken to the other side of the Atlantic, and The Coronation performed at most of the chief cities, supplying, perhaps, an apology for the reasoning which prompted the inquiry.

Hamlet's ranting over the grave of Ophelia is made more emphatic by antithesis with the foolish banter that precedes it. This contrast of mood between scene and scene was unknown in ancient plays and in the imitations of them that flourished in the first great period of the French tragic stage.

Who'd believe a madwoman, an idiot, a lunatic, a bedlamite, a maniac a howling, frenzied, gibbering, ranting, raving, driveling, maundering, mooning maniac! And now for the boy next the parricide! Ha, ha, ha! Arrest him! No. Shut him up here both with my friend Morton both of them, mother and son, the two ha, ha, ha! witnesses!

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