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Updated: July 31, 2024

She already has made friends with all the workmen at Woodlawn, and acts in the capacity of Doctress to their families." This was Wednesday; and Saturday Mr. Rand came again, gayly announced by Bertie, who cried out, "Mamma, here's the architect." The plan was examined and highly approved. The whole party rode to the lake, where Mr. Rand helped Mr.

There was still another class of refugee, composed of what I would call the rich elements of the Rand: the financiers, directors of companies; managers and engineers of the different concerns to which Kimberley and Johannesburg owed their celebrity.

The centre of a large neighbourhood, it had been that day the scene of some Republican anniversary, and a number of gentlemen, sober and otherwise, had remained for supper and a ride home through the frosty moonlight. Among them were several lawyers of note, and a writer and thinker whose opinion Rand valued.

"I'm taking too much on myself," Rand evaded. "Maybe I should have turned Walters over for trial by family court-martial. How do you like Davies, by the way?" "Oh, he's cute," Gladys told him. "One of your operatives, isn't he?" "Now what in the world gave you an idea like that?" he asked, as though humoring the vagaries of a child.

Then fill up the dish with broth, and put the Hen and Veal upon it, and cover them over with herbs, and so serve it in. He keeps of this broth to drink at night, or make a Pan-cotto, as also for next morning. I like to adde to this, a rand of tender brisket Beef, and the Cragg-end of a neck of Mutton. But the Beef must have six hours boiling. So put it on with all the rest at six a Clock.

"I suppose she'd waken if I did," said Rand; "but I'd like to know what right the doctor had to wrap it up in my best flannel shirt." This fresh grievance, the fruit of his curiosity, sent him away again to meditate on the ledge.

The dining-room was empty, when Rand came down to breakfast the next morning. Taking the seat he had occupied the evening before, he waited until Ritter came out of the kitchen through the pantry. "Good morning, Colonel Rand," the Perfect Butler greeted him unctuously. "If I may say so, sir, you're a bit of an early riser. None of the family is up yet, sir."

Through all the clashing of shields, through Republican attack and Federalist resistance, through the clamour over Hamilton's death, the denunciation and upholding of Burr, the impeachment of Chase, the situation in Louisiana, the gravitation towards France, and the check of England, the consciousness of Pitt and the obsession of Napoleon, through all the commotion and fanfaronade of that summer Rand kept a steady hand and eye, and sent his arrows into the gold.

"That," said Jefferson, with calmness, "is a word not yet of my using." Rand leaned forward. "Yet?" he repeated, with emphasis. There fell a silence in the room. After a moment of sitting quietly, his hands held lightly on the arm of his chair, Mr. Jefferson rose and began to pace the floor. The action was unusual; in all personal intercourse his command of himself was remarkable.

"I didn't know," said Rand, "that the American flag had such a history. Can you tell us when the first Union flag was made?" "The first Union flag was raised by Washington at Cambridge, January 2, 1776. This flag represented the union of the colonies not then an established nation and while this flag, by its stripes, represented the thirteen colonies, the canton was the king's colors."

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