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That we might be like God, it is in God that we live, and move, and have our being; that as the raindrop which falls from heaven, rises again surely, soon or late, to heaven again; so each soul of man, coming forth from God at first, should return again to God, as many of them as have eternal life, having become like to God from whom it came at first.

See it for the first time as a new-born child that has no name. 236 Smoke boasts to the sky, and Ashes to the earth, that they are brothers to the fire. 237 The raindrop whispered to the jasmine, "Keep me in your heart for ever." The jasmine sighed, "Alas," and dropped to the ground. 238 Timid thoughts, do not be afraid of me. I am a poet.

I'd make it all of little things The plash of water, rub of wings, The puffing-off of dandie's crown, The hiss of raindrop spilling down, The purr of cat, the trill of bird, And ev'ry whispering I've heard From willy wind in leaves and grass, And all the distant drones that pass. A song, as tender and as light As flower, or butterfly in flight; And when I saw it opening I'd let it fly, and sing!"

Bruce howled he was nervous, poor animal. "Mercy!" gasped Grandma. "I said we'd have a bad storm. There! I felt a raindrop. My father always said the worst was over when the rain began." They hurried on, anxious not to get wet, and Sunny Boy was the first to reach the fallen tree. "We have to go over it," he shouted back, and began to scramble up, holding on to the branches.

"Miss Wilson won't let you. It's trespassing." "What matter! Nobody lives in it, and the gate is off its hinges. I only want to stand under the veranda not to break into the wretched place. Besides, the landlord knows Miss Wilson; he won't mind. There's a drop." Miss Carpenter looked up, and immediately received a heavy raindrop in her eye. "Oh!" she cried. "It's pouring. We shall be drenched."

The glories and the beauties of form, color, and sound unite in the Grand Canyon forms unrivaled even by the mountains, colors that vie with sunsets, and sounds that span the diapason from tempest to tinkling raindrop, from cataract to bubbling fountain. But more: it is a vast district of country. Were it a valley plain it would make a state.

In a moment the air was full of brightness, each raindrop catching a portion of sunlight as it fell, and the whole gentle shower appearing like a mist, just substantial enough to bear the burden of radiance. A rainbow vivid as Niagara's was painted in the air.

Again, the well-known beneficial effects of rain on vegetation, as compared with any amount of artificial watering, though, no doubt, largely due to the minute quantity of ammonia which the rain brings down with it from the air, must yet be partly derived from the organic or mineral particles which serve as the nuclei of every raindrop, and which, being so minute, are the more readily dissolved in the soil and appropriated as nourishment by the roots of plants.

It was the flood that parted them. For three days it had rained unceasingly on the surface of the brook. As they rose to breathe, their noses were lashed by pigmy waves. Each raindrop made its own widening eddy, its own pattering sound. Rain on the roof is noisy enough to those beneath, but rain on the water is deafening. In the brook, as I have said, it rained for three days.

It was not in sight, but he remembered telling the man to drive to the corner below. The rainstorm that had been threatening dry and dusty Brussels all day was beginning to show itself in marked form. There were distant rumbles of thunder and faint flashes of lightning, and now and then the wind, its velocity increasing every minute, dashed a splattering raindrop in one s face.