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Updated: August 5, 2024

Saepe rogare soles, qualis sim, Prisce, futurus, Si fiam locuples, simque repente potens. Quemquam poss putas mores narrare futuros? Dic mihi, si tu leo, qualis eris? MART. Lib. xii. Ep. 93. Priseus, you've often ask'd me how I'd live, Should fate at once both wealth and honour give. What soul his future conduct can foresee? Tell me what sort of lion you would be.

And as another says: "Non est, ut putas, virtus, pater, Timere vitam; sed malis ingentibus Obstare, nec se vertere, ac retro dare." Or as this: "Rebus in adversis facile est contemnere mortem Fortius ille facit, qui miser esse potest."

Delapsae coelo flammae licet acrius urant, Has gelida exstingui non nisi morte putas Tu meliora paras victrix Medicina; tuusque, Pestis qua superat cuncta, triumphus eris. Vive liber, victis febrilibus ignibus; unus Te simul et mundum qui manet, ignis erit. J. LOCK, A. M. Ex. agreeable to observe the contentment and kindness of this quiet, benevolent man.

The people must have meat that must be familiar and continual, and daily given unto them to feed upon. Many make a strawberry of it, ministering it but once a year; but such do not the office of good prelates. For Christ saith, Quis putas est servus prudens et fidelis? Qui dat cibum in tempore. "Who think you is a wise and faithful servant? He that giveth meat in due time."

Erit would have implied much less certainty. Trans. 'I will do so if my action is going to give you pleasure' Cf. 67 beatus futurus sum, also 81, 85. See Roby, 1494. NISI MOLESTUM EST:3 a common expression of courtesy, like 15 nisi alienum putas, si placet, cf. Hor. Sat. 2, 8, 4 si grave non est.

To which he graciously answers "Si mora praesentis leti, tempusque caduco Oratur juveni, meque hoc ita ponere sentis, Tolle fuga Turnum, atquc instantibus eripe fatis. Hactenus indulsisse vacat. Sin altior istis Sub precibus venia ulla latet, totumque moveri Mutarive putas bellum, spes pascis inanis."

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