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As the cortege passed the huge watering-troughs, and the open gateway of the inn, the knot of persons congregated there fell on their knees. In answer the Churchmen raised their banner higher, and began to sing the Eripe me, Domine! and to its strains, now vengeful, now despairing, now rising on a wave of menace, they passed slowly into the distance, slowly towards Angers and the Loire.

But the future martyr behind him, Mr. Morgan Evans, gave himself up at once to abject despair, and as he bumped and rolled along, sought vainly for comfort in professional ejaculations in the Latin tongue. "Mater intemerata! Eripe me e Ugh! I am down! Adhaesit pavimento venter! No! I am not! El dilectum tuum e potestate canis Ah! Audisti me inter cornua unicornium!

He certainly offered him the most touching compliment, as it was also the wisest and most paternal counsel, when he besought him, as one goddess-born, to quit the convivial society of deep-drinkers: "Heu, fuge nate dea, teque his, ait, eripe malis."

"Tolle fuga Turnum, atque instantibus eripe fatis" he replied, and I think with exact judgment, that when Jupiter gave Juno leave to withdraw Turnus from the present danger, it was because he certainly foreknew that his fatal hour was not come, that it was in destiny for Juno at that time to save him, and that himself obeyed destiny in giving her that leave.

The young man, breathing quickly, did not speak. Perhaps his eyes were watching for an opening; at the least appearance of one he would have flung himself upon his enemy. "You do not choose. And yet, I will do it. In one word Go! Teque his, puer, eripe flammis!" He pointed to the door with a gesture tragic enough. "Go and live, for if you stay you die!