Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Then he walked with a rather shambling but self-important gait to the table next mine, carefully placed his manuscript upon a chair, and sat down upon it. He was soon lost in a prolonged contemplation of the limited bill of fare posted on the wall, a study which resulted in his ordering, through a hustling, pugnacious-looking waiter, a bowl of oatmeal.

And as she backed under the imperative command of the traffic officer, one rear hub clinked against the hind fender of the other, jarring both cars a little, dinting the gray one's fender, marring the glossy finish. A chauffeur in a peaked cap drove the gray machine. He looked across at Sophie, scowling. He was young and red-faced, a pugnacious-looking individual.

Far different is the daily lot of another habitue of the streets of this busy capital large, pugnacious-looking rams, that occupy pretty much the same position in Turkish sporting circles that thoroughbred bull-dogs do in England, being kept by young Turks solely on account of their combative propensities and the facilities thereby afforded for gambling on the prowess of their favorite animals.

The four looked at each other in question, and suddenly it struck them all that they were a rather pugnacious-looking crew in their cumbersome suits of armor and formidable helmets. The doctor turned to Estra. "You ought to know" he appealed "whether we can take off these suits now." "It would be best," was the reply.

Grant was glaring at the lawyer across the desk, and the pugnacious-looking moustache was beginning to bristle back. "Did you come in here to read me a lecture, or to get legal advice?" the lawyer returned with some spirit. "I came in here on business. In the course of that business I find it necessary to tell you where you get off at, and to ask you what you're going to do about it."

"Says it's all right in principle; but he claims that the earth belongs to one and all, equally, and therefore each should have an equal voice in its disposition and government." This time there was no smiling. The pugnacious-looking man spoke for the rest when he said: "We cannot allow such ideas to gain headway, Powart! Have you a plan?"

He looked at her collectedly and studiously, with an approving little side-shake of the bull-dog, pugnacious-looking head. "You're the same fine looker!" was all he said, with an appreciative clucking of the throat. Oh, how she hated him, and everything for which he stood!

There was another man, accused of stealing, who was to be tested at the same time. He was a strong sturdy pugnacious-looking man. A good deal of ceremonial of course preceded the ordeal. Among other things the poison had to be tested on two fowls. It killed them both and was deemed too strong. Being diluted it was tried on two other fowls, and killed neither.

He takes his confinement as a matter of course, and no amount of pressure will induce him to talk. Neither can we get anything from his companions, nor from his son. "It is up to us to decide what measures to adopt." A large, pugnacious-looking man on the left put in the first comment.