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Updated: August 13, 2024

"He said and I quote" Mike's voice assumed a gloomy, but stilted tone "normal hydrogen gas consists of diatomic molecules. The nuclear, or proton, spin of these atoms ah that is, of the two atoms that compose the molecule may be oriented in the same direction or in opposite directions." He held a finger in the air as if to make a deep philosophical point.

Christians are like a council of frogs in a marsh or a synod of worms on a dung hill croaking and squeaking, "For our sakes was the world created." And why again, composed though we may be of this, that, and the other proton, electron, etc., etc., why should we not in some way be able to sense why we are as we are assembled as we are of the same ultimate atoms and doing as we do? Why?

Elbertson, of course, he thought furiously. And taking his men out when the proton level was still too high to go beyond the rim shielding.... Then the captain stopped in mid-thought. This was no idle act of a man feeling the effects of drugs. He switched the intercom quickly to the Hot Rod crew's quarters on the rim. "Dr. Koblensky!" he almost shouted into the mike.

"That isn't just the Martian table of elements; that's the table of elements. It's the only one there is." Mort Tranter almost exploded. "Look, hydrogen has one proton and one electron. If it had more of either, it wouldn't be hydrogen, it'd be something else. And the same with all the rest of the elements.

"Now let me not confuse you with semantics. When I say 'memory' and 'knowing' I am not implying a sentient condition. I am speaking of the type of memory and knowing that is a strain in the structure of the proton or atom. This is ... well, anyhow, not sentient. You will have to translate for yourself.

Upon the chin is a little tuft of hair, parted, and curling either way; for the victor of Ravenna like the Hermes of Homer, was +prôton hypênêtês+, "a youth of princely blood, whose beard hath just begun to grow, for whom the season of bloom is in its prime of grace."

Each proton and electron within the plastic felt an urge to be where it wasn't felt a pseudo-memory, imposed by the outside stresses, of having been traveling at a high velocity towards the north star, on which the machine chanced to be oriented; felt the new inertia of that velocity....

But genius stirs in him, and he is Greek altogether in the deep enthusiasms proper to genius: so presently he leaves Crete and culture, to wander forth among the islands singing. En delo tote Proton ego Kai Homeros aoidoi Melpomen, says Hesiod: "Then first in Delos did I and Homer, two Aoidoi, perform as musical reciters." Delos, of course, is a small island in the Cyclades.

We learn that in Nature there is nothing still and inert, but that everything is in incessant motion. There is no such thing as solid matter. The man of Science resolved matter into atoms, and now these atoms themselves are found to be as miniature universes. Round a central sun, termed a Proton, whirl a number of electrons in rhythmic motion and incessant swing.

Savigny, Geschichte des römischen Rechts im Mittelalter, 1834, i. 36. Quoted by Rump, ix. 72. Ep. xi. 2: Sedes illa toto orbe mirabilis licet generalis mundo sit prædita. Nov. cxxxi. c. 2: thespizomen ton hagiôtaton tês presbyteras Rhômês papan prôton einai pantôn tôn hiereôn.... gnômê kai orthê krisei tou ekeinou sebasmiou thronou katêrgêthêsan. Photius, p. 156.

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