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The antithetic particle is omitted before this clause as it often is by our author. Ut hostium oculis, to strike with terror the eyes of the enemy, for primi in omnibus proeliis oculi vincuntur, 43. XXXIX. Vetustissimos. Oldest. See Ramshorn and Freund. Fides antiquitatis. Antiquitatis is objective gen.==the belief, or persuasion of their antiquity. Auguriis sacram.

The oldest officered the first century of the first maniple of the first cohort, and was called 'primus-pilus, and the 'primi ordines, or first class of centurions, consisted of the six centurions of the first cohort. The tribunes were originally appointed by the consuls. Afterwards they had been elected, partly by the people and partly by the consuls.

Unless history is as great a liar as Talleyrand said it was, when he declared that it was founded on a general conspiracy against truth, and who could suppose an English historian capable of lying? shameful exhibitions of fear, flights of whole bodies of troops, and displays of panic terror were very common things with our English ancestors who fought and flourished tempore Caroli Primi.

Qui igitur primi virtute & consilio praestanti extiterunt, ii perspecto genere humanae docilitatis atque ingenii, dissipatos unum in locum congregarunt, eosque ex feritate illa ad justitiam ac mansuetudinem transduxerunt.

Mention made of One Hardine of England one of the chiefest personages, and a leader among other of two hundred saile of ships of Christians that landed at Ioppa in the yeere of our Lord God 1102. Horum Bernardus Witrazh de terra Galatiae, Hardinus de Anglia, Otho de Roges, Hadewerck, vnus de praepotentibus Westfalorum, primi et ductores fuisse referuntur, etc.

Thenceforth, whenever a sovereign's offspring was numerous, it became customary to group them with the subject class under a family name. Nevertheless, to be divested of the title of "Prince" did not mean less of princely prestige. Such nobles were always primi inter pares. The principal uji thus created were Nagaoka, Yoshimine, Ariwara, Taira, and Minamoto.

From him we learn that Varro feared the entire collapse of the old faith; that he attributed its decline in some measure to the outward representations of divine objects; and, observing that Rome had existed 170 years without any image in her temples, instanced Judea to prove "eos qui primi simulacra deorum populis posuerunt, eos civitatibus suis et metum dempsisse, et errorem addidisse."

It is said that the reading of this book caused Ravaillac to commit his crime of assassinating Henry IV. of France, and that in consequence of this the book was burned at Paris in 1610 by order of the Parliament. The historian of the Dutch war of 1672 endured much distress by reason of his truthfulness. This was John Baptist Primi, Count of Saint-Majole.

"There are so few who write well, in this Age," said CRITES, "that methinks any praises should be welcome. They neither rise to the dignity of the last Age, nor to any of the Ancients: and we may cry out of the Writers of this Time, with more reason than PETRONIUS of his, Pace vestra liceat dixisse, primi omnium eloquentiam perdidistis! For you hear HORACE saying

Dissertazione del Sig. Dottor Baldassare Oltrocchi sopra i primi amori di Pietro Bembo, indirizzata al sig. Conte Giammaria Mazzucchelli Bresciana. In the Nuova Raccolta d'Opuscoli Scientifici del Caloger