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I, too, would shiver all over like a Jew in a frying-pan, I don't know myself why, and our legs began to prance about. It's a strange thing, indeed: you don't want to, but you prance about and waggle your arms; and after that, screaming and shrieking, we all danced and ran after one another ran till we dropped; and in that way, in wild frenzy, I fell into fornication."

"You'll make a gorgeous Duchess, Mona. I can see you now, prancing around with a jewelled coronet on your noble brow." "Can't you see me," said Captain Sayre, "prancing around in Admiral's regalia?" "But I've never seen you prance at all. I supposed you were too dignified." "You did! Well, you never were more mistaken in your life. Watch me, now."

It was german to the matter, at any rate, for him to observe that he believed they were to have a lecture from Mrs. Farrinder he didn't know why she didn't begin. "Yes," said Doctor Prance, rather dryly, "I suppose that's what Miss Birdseye called me up for. She seemed to think I wouldn't want to miss that."

Us fellers has jest got to creep lively out'n the line of bullets an' let the two men most interested settle that theirselves. Only I don't mind sayin', jest frien'ly like, as it is considered powerful foolish for a man to prance skallyhutin' into a mixup as is apt to smash things considerable onless he's heeled." "Heeled? You mean "

It was a masterly stratagem Bedloe to start the ball, Prance to be accused as accomplice and then on his own account to give the other scoundrel corroboration. "Attend, you sir," the doctor shouted to Lovel. "Ye will be called to swear to the murderers whom this haanest man will name. If ye be a true Praatestant ye will repeat the laisson I taich you.

She practises that way every night; she reads portions of it aloud to Miss Chancellor and Miss Birdseye." "And that's the time you choose for your walk?" Ransom said, smiling. "Well, it's the time my old lady has least need of me; she's too absorbed." Doctor Prance dealt in facts; Ransom had already discovered that; and some of her facts were very interesting.

Bathing one day in the river, to whose banks the woods ran down in steep terraces, he heard a voice come singing along one of the upper slopes; and looking up under the boughs of cedar and sycamore, he saw a pair of green feet go dancing by, up and down like grasshoppers on the prance.

There is an element of insincerity in these occasional frights which does not escape the clear-eyed critic. It gets scared at the wrong times, and forgets to prance when prancing is absolutely demanded by the situation. When my Philosopher tells a story, it is all that a story ought to be. There is no labored introduction, no tiresome analysis. It is pure story, "of imagination all compact."

No commonwealth can exist on such a basis, and if economical laws are invoked in its support, those laws are an infamy. No wonder Carlyle fiercely denounced it all as "a wretched, unsympathetic, scraggy atheism and egoism". Well, Auguste Comte had witnessed all this and possibly worse than this in Prance.

Their dance is a coarse imitation of the gyrations of the professional cancanists, and they prance and cavort with glowing enthusiasm, happy in the evident admiration of a surrounding throng of provincials, pickpockets and prostitutes.