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Updated: August 19, 2024

And presently, to my great relief, I beheld a shop above whose crystal window panes was a sign with this inscription: VAUGHAN TAILOR & SARTORIAL ARTIST To The NOBILITY & GENTRY In this window was displayed cloth of every kind and colour, together with framed pictures of stiff-limbed young gentlemen in most trying and uncomfortable postures and clad in garments innocent of crease or wrinkle.

The great, knotted, slanting trunks of the old oaks do not now look as if man had much intermeddled with their growth and postures.

So they abide till the last hum and flash of the enemy have faded from the tropic horizon. Then they alter their postures all at once, like dead men coming to life; they turn their fifty faces upon the general faces not to be forgotten." Flambeau gave a great jump. "Ah," he cried, "you don't mean " "Yes," said Father Brown in a deep, moving voice.

Each of these postures has its own peculiar appropriateness; either is a seemly and a Scriptural method of bringing the position of the body into significant harmony with the desire of the soul. Among those attitudes which are true and right, we are at liberty to adopt that which is in our circumstances most convenient and seemly.

"We will have it! We will have it!" Governor and Council retire to consider the demand. If Berkeley is passionate and at times violent, so is Bacon in his own way, for an eye-witness has to say that "he displayed outrageous postures of his head, arms, body and legs, often tossing his hand from his sword to his hat," and that outside the door he had cried: "Damn my blood!

Around it, and stretched in a variety of postures upon the floor, were some eight or ten men fast asleep; and what took Hilary's attention more than all was another door at the far corner, which it was now his aim to reach. But to do this he would have to step over two of the men, and there was the possibility that, though they all seemed to be asleep, one or more might be awake and watchful.

There will be plenty of hot weather in August, and you will be better fit to exert yourself." Max and Alec backed him, for they were still more or less indifferent to the charms of active exercise, and when they had been fed, each evening, were in the habit of falling into postures of ease on the ground before the tent, while they discussed the happenings of the day.

You begin to realize that ideals also are as much subject to the petty necessities of life as ordinary men, and do not always preserve the precise postures you are wont to see them in when their portraits adorn the picture-galleries. With women it is quite different.

It was a Faenza platter representing little Loves flitting away pursued by apothecary lads armed with enormous syringes. The chase abounds in grimaces and in comical postures. One of the charming little Loves is already fairly spitted. He is resisting, fluttering his tiny wings, and still making an effort to fly, but the dancer is laughing with a satanical air. Moral: Love conquered by the colic.

We also seconded the shout begun by the family, and fell merrily aboard this; and Trimalchio no less pleas'd than our selves, cryed "Cut"; at which the musick sounding again, the carver humour'd it, and cut up the meat with such antick postures, you'd have thought him a carman fighting to an organ.

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