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The urine will thus be discharged into the hypobromite, which will of course decompose the urea, liberating nitrogen, which will cause the mercury to rise in B. Shake until no further change of level is seen, and mark the level of mercury in B with a rubber band, then remove the cork, draw out the liquid with a pipette, dry out the tube above the mercury with scrap of blotting paper, pour back the mercury drawn out, and repeat the process to be sure that no error was made.

In the February number of this Journal the writer described a new settling tube for urinary deposits which possessed several advantages over the old method with conical test-glass and pipette.

For example, it is obvious that if it is desired to remove exactly 50 cc. from a solution which has been diluted to 500 cc. in a graduated flask, the 50 cc. flask or pipette used to remove the fractional portion must give a correct reading at the same temperature as the 500 cc. flask.

Measure off 50 cc. of the solution in a measuring flask, or pipette, either of which before use should, unless they are dry on the inside, be rinsed out with at least two small portions of the soda ash solution to displace any water. If a flask is used, fill it to the graduation with the soda ash solution and remove any liquid from the neck above the graduation with filter paper.

By means of water one can discover what acids, alkalis, or salts the parts of the paper with colored borders or white spots contain. With the aid of a pipette cover these spots with water and let it remain for ten or fifteen minutes; then with the pipette remove the liquid and examine the products it holds in solution.

Then, while the others watched, he selected a well slide, took his pipette, and captured a drop from the jar of pool water. The drop went into the well slide. He put on a cover glass, then applied his eye to the ocular. After a moment of focusing and shifting the well slide, the drop of water suddenly turned to a strange aquarium populated by fantastic animals.

Convert 42.75 cc. of 0.5162 normal hydrochloric acid to the equivalent volume of normal hydrochloric acid. !Answer!: 22.07 cc. A solution containing 25.27 cc. of 0.1065 normal hydrochloric acid is added to one containing 92.21 cc. of 0.5431 normal sulphuric acid and 50 cc. of exactly normal potassium hydroxide added from a pipette. Is the solution acid or alkaline?

To fill it, place its lower end into the tincture or must, apply the mouth to the upper end, and by means of suction fill it with the tincture of litmus to above the line indicated at A. The opening of the top is then quickly closed with the thumb; by alternately raising the thumb, and pressing it down again, so much of the tincture is then allowed to flow back into the glass so as to lower the fluid to the line indicated at A. The remainder is then brought into the bottle, and the last drops forced out by blowing into the pipette.

The stone he has with him the precious stone of Saul. I feel the life-surge ebbing, ebbing in my heart. Here the manuscript abruptly ended. Prince Zaleski had listened as I read aloud, lying back on his Moorish couch and breathing slowly from his lips a heavy reddish vapour, which he imbibed from a very small, carved, bismuth pipette.

The increase in weight of the flask in grams represents the volume of the water in cubic centimeters delivered by the pipette. Calculate the necessary correction. This liquid may be removed at the end of a definite interval either by touching the side of the vessel or by gently blowing out the last drops.