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As confidential agency business, agency business, I have occasionally paid this lady money; but what satisfaction is it to you, sir, to know that? 'Truly, none at all, said Clennam. 'Truly, assented the Patriarch, with a shining face as he philanthropically smiled at the fire, 'none at all, sir. You hit the wise answer, Mr Clennam.

Sands his sugar and brown-papers his teas philanthropically, for the good of the public, and denounces men who put in Old Squareface and whisky-pegs, as he fuddles himself with his loquat brandy after shop-hours in the sitting-room back of the store. But let us be thankful that Providence has sent Brooker on a special mission to play Pantaloon in this grimmish little interlude of ours.

The handsome chateau, with its magnificent garden in close proximity to the "Cite", preaches a daily text, which we may be sure is more effective than any amount of words. By his own capacity and exertions M. Menier has realized the splendid fortune he now uses so philanthropically, and equally by this same capacity and exertion only can his working men lift themselves in the social scale.

"True," said Augustus, nodding; "one more glass, and to bed, Mr. Chairman." "I pledge you, my friend; our last glass shall be philanthropically quaffed, 'All fools, and may their money soon be parted!" "All fools!" cried Tomlinson, filling a bumper; "but I quarrel with the wisdom of your toast. May fools be rich, and rogues will never be poor!

Also, he let it be known that he was philanthropically inclined, that he purposed giving a great many millions to science and that his death would be of untold value to the human race. Are you attending, Braden? If you are not, I shall stop talking at once. It is very exhausting and I haven't much breath or time to waste." "I am listening.

"True," said Augustus, nodding; "one more glass, and to bed, Mr. Chairman." "I pledge you, my friend; our last glass shall be philanthropically quaffed, 'All fools, and may their money soon be parted!" "All fools!" cried Tomlinson, filling a bumper; "but I quarrel with the wisdom of your toast. May fools be rich, and rogues will never be poor!

The younger man pressed its broad palm with almost filial veneration. He noted, too, with a slight touch of remorse, that the banker's countenance was harassed. Evidently his heart still ached for the lost Arkansas timber. Mr. Strumley smiled philanthropically. He had something to say to Mr.

She hoped later, though these hopes she had so far kept to herself, to write, or at least to collaborate with some worthy educator, on a book which would serve as an exact guide to other philanthropically inclined groups who might wish to follow the example of cooperative adoption; but the first day of actual contact with her problem had chilled her. She had put nothing down in her note-book.

Woodpeckers eat away the wooden cross-pieces on the iron towers with disheartening rapidity. The company is philanthropically inclined toward its employees. Even the peons are given two weeks' vacation on full pay, during which many rent a patch of land on the mountainside to plant with corn.

"Then, what is it you have found out?" Nancy asked, quaking. "My discovery is " Collier Pratt paused for the whole effect of his revelation to penetrate to her consciousness, "that this whole outfit is run philanthropically." "Philanthropically?" "Don't you see? There can't be any other explanation of it. It's an eleemosynary institution. That's what it is."