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Updated: August 12, 2024

"Because he loved her," replies the young man, with unblushing mendacity. "Literary men and the clergy always do perpetrate matrimony in a curious manner. Do they go out much?" inclining her head toward the two floating at the other end of the room. "Oh, to dinners and that sort of thing!" indifferently.

Certainly Mr Sudberry thought him an extremely disagreeable object as he ended in an ineffective quaver and with a deep blush; for that man must be more than human, who, when caught in the act of attempting to perpetrate an amateur concert in all its parts, does not feel keenly.

The magician, who was impatient to perpetrate the malicious purposes of his heart, was elated at the warlike sound, and beheld the Sultan's retinue at a distance with such joy as the eagle views the flocks of sheep on the plains of Homah. The Sultan, having arrived at the front of his army, which he knew was composed of his most faithful troops, commanded silence throughout the plain.

I confess that only a light-hearted insect would perpetrate such a sentence as the foregoing; but wouldn't it be fun if, when the whole truth comes to be known about butterflies, we found them more or less self-respecting, more or less monogamous, occasionally ratiocinative, carelessly kind, rather than light-hearted creatures, and not insects, in the accepted sense, at all?

A mirage offers another instance of a sense-illusion; but in it the cause is objective. The deception may be but momentary, as when Macbeth is stealing on tiptoe to the chamber of his guest to murder him. His mind is disturbed by the imagination of the horrid deed he is about to perpetrate.

Nobody durst sit beside Mike Horhi, as he was wont to perpetrate the most ungodly pleasantries letting off fiery crackers under the table, pouring vinegar into his neighbour's wine-glass when he wasn't looking, etc. The smaller gentry occupied another table. In the background stood a colonaded peristyle, in the centre of which was the decorated stage where, during dinner, Mr.

Publishers are humane men who rarely commit crimes; authors, however, are a hardened set who usually perpetrate a felony every time they issue a book. Doyle laughed easily. 'I'm used to this sort of thing, he said. 'Remember how I killed off the people in "The White Company". Now, if you will help me to get rid of the body, all may yet be well.

They bore him company, not insufficiently considering, in especial, his fuller resources in that line while he worked out to the last lucidity the principle on which he forbore either to seek Fanny out in Cadogan Place or to perpetrate the error of too marked an assiduity in Eaton Square.

Nor let us believe, with the dupes, of a shallow policy, that there exists upon the earth one prejudice that can be called salutary or one error beneficial to perpetrate.

Again the lady laughed, then said apologetically: "Pardon me, but the idea amused me. But, to return to Colonel Barthelmy, he is going very shortly to Italy with his regiment; therefore, I need not care what fables he thinks of me or repeats. The few persons whose opinion I care for will not believe him; as for the others pah! Come, your hand on it! Let us perpetrate this joke.

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