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The Stoics are generally of this opinion, that the seat of the soul is throughout the heart, or in the spirit about it. Diogenes, in the arterial ventricle of the heart, which is also full of vital spirit. Empedocles, in the mass of the blood. There are that say it is in the neck of the heart, others in the pericardium, others in the midriff.

Do the universal sweats distinguish the dropsy of the pericardium, or of the thorax? and those, which cover the upper parts of the body only, the anasarca of the lungs?

This fluid permits the heart and the pericardium to glide upon one another with the least possible amount of friction. The heart is a hollow organ, but the cavity is divided into two parts by a muscular partition forming a left and a right side, between which there is no communication. These two cavities are each divided by a horizontal partition into an upper and a lower chamber.

Last week I saw a gentleman of Birmingham, who had for ten days laboured under great palpitation of his heart, which was so distinctly felt by the hand, as to discountenance the idea of there being a fluid in the pericardium. He frequently spit up mucus stained with dark coloured blood, his pulse very unequal and very weak, with cold hands and nose.

But it had pierced the pericardium, as best Feldman could guess, and it could be fatal at any moment. He'd reached for a probe without thinking. Chris knocked his hand aside. She was right, of course. He couldn't operate outside a hospital. But they had no phone in the lodge where the guide lived and no way to summon an ambulance.

The inhabitants, when walking in the lower district, and overcome with thirst, often take advantage of this circumstance, and drink the contents of the bladder if full: in one I saw killed, the fluid was quite limpid, and had only a very slightly bitter taste. The inhabitants, however, always first drink the water in the pericardium, which is described as being best.

The pleural sacs that enclose the lungs are dorsal parts of the head-coelom, originating from the pleuroducts; the pericardium in which the heart afterwards lies is also double originally, being formed from ventral halves of the head-coelom, which only combine at a later stage.

The result of an inflammation of the pericardium may be a fibrous exudate, or an exudate which is both serous and fibrous, or one in which pus is present in considerable amount. The onset of pericarditis may be more or less acute, or it may commence insidiously.

The lungs were covered in every part with black spots. The kidneys, spleen and heart were likewise greatly spotted; there was found no water in the pericardium. In short, we never beheld a body in which the viscera were so universally inflamed and mortified. It is our real opinion, that the cause of Mr. Blandy's death was poison.

Our meals were eaten hastily, and sometimes in the saddle. Water was not always to be found. The people carried it with them in bags formed of tripe or the dried pericardium of animals. Now we were compelled to trespass upon the country of hostile tribes and were harassed by them almost daily and nightly. Only the strictest vigilance saved us.