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The Parque de Madrid, which lies high above the Prado, affords a striking view of the country on all sides.

Vela saigement dit, Ceux dont la fantaisie Sera religieuse et devote envers Dieu Tousjours acheveront quelque grand poesie, Et dessus leur renom la Parque n'aura lieu. But the matter is still undecided. Mr. The Duke: The Man of Malplaquet On the field of Malplaquet, that battlefield, I met a man. He was pointed out to me as a man who drove travellers to Bavai. His name was Mr.

The lengthening shadows of the Parque blurred, joined in one; the façades were golden and then dimly violet; the Gate of Montserrat lost its boldness of outline. Cries rose from the streets, "Cuidado! Cuidado!" and "Narranjas, narranjas dulces." The evening news sheets were called in long falling inflections.

In the evening, the hour varying, of course, with the time of year, all Madrid goes to drive, ride, or walk in the Buen Retiro, now called the Parque de Madrid. It is beautifully laid out, with wide, well-kept roads and well-cared-for gardens; it has quite superseded the Paseo de la Fuente Castellano, which used to be the "Ladies' Mile" of Madrid.

Perpetually seeking laurels in new fields, in 1877 he made his debut as a sculptor. The marble group, "La Parque et l'Amour," signed G. Dore, won a succes d'estime, no more. In the following year was opened the great international exhibition on the Champ de Mars, Dore's enormous monumental vase being conspicuously placed over one of the porticoes.

A clatter of hoofs rose from below the passage of a squad of the gendarmes on grey horses, their white coats a chalky glimmer in the night. Andrés and Charles watched them until they vanished toward the Parque Isabel; then Andrés swore, softly. Again in his room at the Inglaterra Charles speculated about the complications of his determination to stay in Cuba until it was liberated from Spain.

The Prado stops just beyond the companion parks, La India and Colon. These originally formed the Campo de Marte, laid out by General Tacon and, in his time, used as a military parade ground. In a way, the Parque Central is the centre of the city. It is almost that, geographically, and perhaps quite that, socially. In its immediate vicinity are some of the leading hotels and the principal theatres.

"The Parque Colon is a large place running parallel with the Number Three Dock, full of big trees, and the avenues through it are rather dark. Considering how close it is to the busy part of the city it is lonely. Men have been found on the seats dead! I daresay you have heard of Buenos Ayres.

If I gave him money he would only prey on me again. Never mind: it was my duty to aid him. When the car stopped at the end of Paseo Colon I had made up my mind. I dropped off and waited in the dark shadow of the buildings opposite the Parque Leyema. He came up to me. I could see his lips trembling and his hands clutching. 'Charley, don't you play me false, don't you play me false!

"The Miro Palace, in the Plaza Parque, is a sorry picture of wreckage: the 'mirador' is knocked to pieces by balls and shells; the walls are riddled on every side, and nearly all the beautiful Italian balconies and buttresses have been demolished.