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Belief in this alleged law has vitiated our natural science, our political science, our history, our philosophy, and even our religion. Science declared that 'the survival of the fittest' was a law of nature, though nature has condemned to extinction the majestic animals of the saurian era, and has carefully preserved the bug, the louse, and the spirochaeta pallida.

"Quarter of an hour ago I was on the point of being introduced to a grim personage who would have squeezed the last joke out of me," said Poluski. "His name was Death, Pallida Mors, who steps with even stride from the huts of the poor to the palace of the King, and he gave me such a fright that I shall be in no mood all day for any display of humor.

Even under such intense magnifications, it can be seen only with great difficulty, since it is colorless in life, and it is hard to color or stain it with dyes. Its spiral form and faint staining have led to its being called the Spirochæta pallida.

The due preparation of the materials, the symbol of purification, was necessarily continued in all the degrees. The task of purification never ceases. The classical reader will here be reminded of that beautiful passage of Horace, commencing with "Justum et tenacem propositi virum." Lib. iii. od. 3. "Pallida mors aequo pulsat pede pauperum tabernas Regumque turres." HOR. lib. i. od. 4.

and then refer in the margin to Horace, or whoever said it; or, if you allude to the power of death, to come in with Pallida mors Aequo pulsat pede pauperum tabernas, Regumque turres.

The germ that causes rheumatism has strains which produce simply tonsillitis, and others which, instead of attacking joints, tend to attack the valves of the heart. Our recent knowledge suggests that somewhat the same thing is at work in syphilis. Certain strains of Spirochæta pallida tend to thrive in the nervous system, others perhaps in the skin.

The commonest and most fatal of all forms of general diseases of the nervous system are those which are due to the later extensions of general infections. First and foremost stands syphilis, due to the invasion of the blood by a clearly defined spirillum, the Treponema pallida of Schaudinn.

The primary stage was supposed to extend from the appearance of the first sore or chancre to the time when an eruption appeared over the whole body. Since the discovery of the Spirochæta pallida, the germ of the disease, our knowledge of what the germ does in the body, where it goes, and what influence it has upon the infected individual, has rapidly extended.

Hildreth and I, a-field, had found a bed of that exceptionally poisonous mushroom named Pallida something or other ... the book said its poison was kin to that of the poison in the rattlesnake's bite. My eyes met with Hildreth's ... we needed say no word, both thinking the same thought that frightened us!... "how easy it would be !" Now we were plumbing the darker side of passion.

To the dismay of Bianca who sat as far out of sight as possible, lest he should see her, and fancy that she was doing him a service he pursued his thoughts aloud: "Words words they have taken away brotherhood!" Bianca shuddered, listening to that uncanny sound. "'In those days of words they called it death pale death mors pallida.