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"Oh, I'll look after the puff-adders come along." "Well," she said at last, as she slowly unrolled her sleeves, which had been tucked up during the cake-making, and hid her beautiful white arms, "I will come, not because I want to come, but because you have over-persuaded me.

I demurred at first, for I remembered the fate of my father, and what he had told me about leaving off bad courses, but soon allowed myself to be over-persuaded; more especially as the first robbery I was asked to do was a fruit robbery.

Perhaps you might be over-persuaded, and 'jumped' again by your good friends." Again I heard the expression "jumped," and I sat down to meditate over it. "Have you told Siegfried yet?" asked the Vice-Governor. "Not yet," I said; "but I think he won't greatly object." "Who knows? But you will pledge your word that you will stick to your resignation against all persuasion?" "Certainly.

Miss Slater said. "You've got a lovely colour, and it's a shame to touch it!" "Oh, but I think I look so pale!" Norma argued. "Well, when you've had your dinner Now, you take my advice, my dear, and let your face alone." "Well, all the girls do it," Norma declared, catching up the little girdle, and not unwilling to be over-persuaded.

What if he break the promise given when he was over-persuaded in the market-place the other day? But did not the High Priest himself declare that this is Beelzebub in person, this fair, false, dear, oh! still too dear Illusion? Up! Let him be gone out of this! from the sound of that Voice, from the sight of that Face, get the thing over and done, done done one way or another!

Purcell was all for John Hurst, though he couldn't be considered as exactly Aggie's equal in station. Mrs. Purcell deeply desired her daughter's happiness, and she said to herself: "If Aggie marries either of them, and it turns out unhappily, I don't want her to be able to say I over-persuaded her. If her poor father were alive, he'd have known how to advise her."

Soon Wislac, also, grew tired of the court, and said that he longed for the deep meadows and lofty trees, and green downs along the clear river in this June time, and must seek his own home again. But it seemed that Alfred over-persuaded him, for reasons which he told me not, and he stayed. We went to the great meeting of the Witan, taking our seats there when our rights were confirmed to us.

She enjoyed all her natural gifts, and thought little about them. Unwillingly, but over-persuaded by some of her friends, she had allowed her arm and hand to be modelled. The artists who saw the cast wondered if it would be possible to get the bust of the maiden from whom it was taken. Nobody would have dared to suggest such an idea to her except Lurida.

He carried that last through by sheer pluck; he had bearded the savage old ruler in his council room; he had bribed him with a gilt glass coach, which, rumour said, was used as a hen-coop now; he had over-persuaded him; he had bested him in every way. That was the way to get on.

Forbearing, therefore, all discussion and debate, they addressed themselves to Marcus Octavius, his fellow-tribune, who, being a young man of a steady, orderly character, and an intimate friend of Tiberius, upon this account declined at first the task of opposing him; but at length, over-persuaded with the repeated importunities of numerous considerable persons, he was prevailed upon to do so, and hindered the passing of the law; it being the rule that any tribune has a power to hinder an act, and that all the rest can effect nothing, if only one of them dissents.