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Updated: August 15, 2024

During the Famine-emigration period this excess became most remarkable and alarming. So that instead of six emigrants in the thousand dying on the voyage and during quarantine, one hundred died. Subtracting six from one hundred, we have ninety-four emigrants in the thousand dying of the Famine as certainly as if they had died at home.

It was just that spot, while tugging at his collar, that Albert Penny stooped to kiss. "Little wife," he said. "Ugh!" she felt. "Poor little wife, it was ninety-four and a half at six-thirty-eight this morning." His capacity for accuracy could madden her. He computed life in the minutiae of fractions, reckoning in terms of the halfpenny, the half minute, the half degree.

In appearance he could easily be regarded as a phenomenon. He is ninety-four years of age, though he appears to be only about fifty-five. His hair is black and not grey as would be expected; his face is round and unlined; he has dark piercing but kindly eyes. He is of medium stature. He has an exceptionally alert mind and recalls past events with the ease of a youth.

These are the obsequies of old Governor Bradstreet, the patriarch and survivor of the first settlers, who, having intermarried with the Widow Gardner, is now resting from his labors, at the great age of ninety-four. The white-bearded corpse, which was his spirit's earthly garniture, now lies beneath yonder coffin-lid.

His stay in Scotland was from the 18th of August, on which day he arrived, till the 22nd of November, when he set out on his return to London; and I believe ninety-four days were never passed by any man in a more vigorous exertion.*

Mr Appleboy then turned in; so did Mr Tomkins; and so did Mr Smith, who had no idea of keeping the middle watch because the cook was drunk and had filled up the kettle with salt-water. As for what happened in ninety-three or ninety-four, I really would inform the reader if I knew; but I am afraid that that most curious story is never to be handed down to posterity.

In Seventeen Hundred Ninety-four, Erasmus Darwin, the grandfather of Charles Darwin, inspired by Kant and Goethe, put forth his book, "Zoonomia," wherein he maintained the gradual growth and evolution of all organisms from minute, unseen germs. These views were put forth more as a poetic hypothesis than as a well-grounded scientific fact, so little attention was paid to Erasmus Darwin's books.

The infantry was composed of the classes, variously armed, of which, including equites, there were one hundred and ninety-four centuries, one hundred of whom were of the first rank, heavily armedall men possessing one hundred thousand ases. Each class was divided into senioresmen between forty-five and sixty, and junioresfrom seventeen to forty-five.

It was either in the year ninety-three or ninety-four, that I was in the Channel fleet we were then abreast of Torbay " "Here be the hot water, sir," cried Jem, putting the kettle down on the deck. "Very well, boy by-the-bye, has the jar of butter come on board?" "Yes, but it broke all down the middle; I tied him up with a ropeyarn." "Who broke it, sir?" "Coxswain says as how he didn't."

This black copper contained from ninety-two to ninety-four per cent of copper, and was tinged by a carbonaceous compound of the same metal known by its yellow color, and the oxide on the surface arising from the slow cooling, which will occur notwithstanding every precaution; and the surface so exposed to oxidation they beat with green twigs.

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