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Updated: August 25, 2024

Neither he nor Nasmyth said anything of import then; both felt that the subject was too grave to be lightly discussed; and walking back silently along the shingle, they pitched the tent and prepared supper. After the meal, Jake, prompted by an innate tact, sauntered away down the beach, and the other two, lounging beside the fire, took out their pipes.

After a drawing by Alexander Nasmyth Notwithstanding many whispered warnings as to the danger of undertaking such a hazardous work, Michael Naesmyth and his men encamped upon the spot, though without the protection of the Government force. Having erected a temporary residence for their accommodation, he proceeded with the building of the fort.

The grass was wet, a strip of plowing which could not be avoided was soft and heavy, and the ground in front of several of the jumps was in a far from satisfactory state. Nasmyth, who kept a very small establishment and had hitherto generally ridden the horse, walked round part of the course with Lisle. "It will be heavy going and there's a nasty greasy patch at the biggest fence," he said.

They sat silent while the crashing opening chords rang out from the lighted room, and then Nasmyth, who was a lover of music, found himself listening with a strained attention as the theme stole out of them, for it chimed with his mood.

"If you started clearing a Bush ranch, you'd spend considerably more." Nasmyth smiled. "I fancy our views coincide. The point is that the Crown agents charge the usual figure for land that doesn't require making, which is not the case in this particular valley.

A faint flush crept into Nasmyth's bronzed face, but Wisbech smiled reassuringly as he glanced about the hut. "The question is what all this is leading to," he observed with inquiry in his tone. Gordon rose. "I'll go along and talk to the boys," he announced. "I won't be back for an hour or two." Nasmyth glanced at Wisbech before he turned to his comrade.

Perhaps it is a subconscious recognition of the first great task that was laid on man to subdue the earth and to make it fruitful. Nasmyth, at least, heard the river. Its hoarse roar rang insistently in his ears, and he braced himself for the conflict that must be fought out in the depths of the cañon.

Clarence, however, had chosen another way, one that led down-hill to further dishonor; and Nasmyth considered gloomily what the end of it all would be. Occasionally he glanced at the lithe figure of the Canadian, standing knee-deep amid the froth of the stream.

I may mention that I found a certain dress of mine, which I do not remember tearing, had evidently been repaired by somebody quite unaccustomed to that kind of thing. Now there were, of course, only the skipper and yourself on board while we were away." Nasmyth felt his face grow hot.

Vernon never struck this cache he told the folks at the post so. Worked with him once trail-cutting what that man said goes!" "You never told me you knew Vernon!" exclaimed Lisle. "Quite likely," Jake drawled. "It didn't seem any use till now." For the first time since they landed, Nasmyth laughed he felt that something was needed to relieve the tension.

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