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Updated: August 9, 2024

"A penwiper, an old, much-used penwiper, is all that Miss Smeardon resembles in that black rag!" Carnaby, watching the start at the door, whistled in open admiration as Robinette came down the steps. "Well, well! we are got up to kill this afternoon; pity old Mark has just gone; but cheer up, Cousin Robin, there's always a curate on hand!"

It was a country that, once lived in, could never be left. There were no poor inhabitants in that great area of twenty-five hundred miles; and there were many who were rich. Prosperous little towns dotted the valley floor; and the many smooth, dusty, much-used roads all led to Ruxton, a wealthy and fine city. Anderson, the rancher, had driven his car to Spokane.

While the opposing forces were so occupied there came down a path out of the woods, behind the tree against which Jaggers was backed, a third boy. About sixteen years old he appeared to be. He wore patched overalls, a frayed flannel shirt and a much-used straw hat of the field variety. His hair, once brown, had many streaks of reddish tint in it, from long exposure to the sun.

Much as I dislike to shatter cherished illusions, were I to assert that the elephants I saw in the royal stables were white, I should be convicting myself of color-blindness. The best that can be said of two of them, is that they were a dirty gray, about the color of a much-used wash-rag.

The letter finished, he put it in a much-used envelope addressed to Jimmy Conroy an envelope that stamped the whole episode as authentic, bearing as it did an undecipherable date and the postmark of a tiny village in the Austrian Tyrol. It was almost two when Peter put out the candle and settled himself to sleep.

Not red, either, or copper-colored. What color, then? For Heaven's sake, what?" He could hardly name it. Through the fog, it struck him as a dull slate-gray, almost a blue. He recalled that once he had seen a child's modeling-clay, much-used and very dirty, of the same shade, which certainly had no designation in the chromatic scale.

IMAGES, WORDS AND FORMULAE. The magical power of words and formulae The power of words bound up with the images they evoke, and independent of their real sense These images vary from age to age, and from race to race The wear and tear of words Examples of the considerable variations of sense of much-used words The political utility of baptizing old things with new names when the words by which they were designated produced an unfavourable impression on the masses variations of the sense of words in consequence of race differences The different meanings of the word "democracy" in Europe and America. 2.

Sadie was the child of many prayers, and her father's much-used Bible lay on her dressing-table, speaking for him, now that his tongue was silent in the grave; so she did not quite yield to the enemy but she was walking in the way of temptation and the Christian tongues around her, which the grave had not silenced, yet remained as mute as though their lips were already sealed; and so the path in which Sadie walked grew daily broader and more dangerous.

The crabber took out a blackened, much-used pipe and stoked it. "Link disappeared, all right. We found his boat yonder." He pointed to a spot on the marshy shore. "He didn't drown?" Rick pressed. Harris shrugged. "Not very likely. We'd have found his body. Way the tides were that day, there was no ebb tide strong enough to carry a body out into deep water. The creek was clear. We'd have seen him."

Then there are Paklin's ten roubles in addition, and I dare say I can get something from Merkulov " In the midst of these calculations the rhythmic cadences began to reassert themselves. He stood still, as if rooted to the spot, with fixed gaze. After a while his hands involuntarily found their way to the table drawer, from which he pulled out a much-used copy-book.

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