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Soon after, the foresail was reefed, and we mizen-top men were sent up to take another reef in the mizen topsail. This was the first time I had taken a weather earing, and I felt not a little proud to sit, astride of the weather yard-arm, pass the earing, and sing out "Haul out to leeward!"

The 21st of August being the anniversary of the Prince of Brazil's birth-day, at sun-rise in the morning we displayed the flag of Portugal at the fore top-mast head, and that of our own nation at the main and mizen: half an hour after ten, the Vice-King received compliments upon that occasion; all the officers of our fleet which could be spared from duty on board, landed, and in a body went to the palace to make their compliments upon this public day; the viceroy upon this, as well as upon every other occasion, showed us particular attention.

Glancing aft once more, he caught the eye of Captain Staunton, who immediately raised his hand. This the mate took to mean an order to cut away the mast with all possible expedition; and whipping out his keen broad-bladed knife he thrust it into Brook's hand, and tapping the lanyards of the mizen rigging roared in his ear the one word "Cut."

A little farther, and there the vessel lies before us, quietly at anchor, with her sails all furled. "Again we see the men upon the deck, faintly, but still we see them. "Again we shout. "We see a man halting by the bulwarks; something glitters in his hand. Is it a spyglass? "No; he moves away. "Is that a man mounting to the mizen cross-trees? "Yes, it is a man.

The enemy hauled up within two hundred yards of the mizen beam and cheered. The Shannon cheered in return, and then the bravest held his breath for a time. A moment more and the Shannon's decks flashed fire. With deliberate aim each gun along her sides was discharged, and the enemy, in passing, fired with good effect his whole broadside.

By the 29th of August she had got six months' provisions on board and also many tons of shot. The ship had her top gallant-yards up, the blue flag of Admiral Kempenfeldt was flying at the mizen, and the ensign was hoisted on the ensign-staff, and she was to have sailed in about two days, to join the grand fleet in the Mediterranean.

A very strong gale northerly, with hazy rainy weather, on the 28th, obliged us to double-reef the fore and main top-sail to hand the mizen top-sail, and get down the fore top-gallant yard. In the morning, the bolt rope of the main top-sail broke, and occasioned the sail to be split.

"Hurrah! we have knocked away her wheel," cried Bonham, who had sprung into the mizen rigging to ascertain the effect of the last broadside; "she's ours, if we are smart with our guns." The Frenchmen had just fired a broadside which had killed three of the "Vestal's" crew, knocked one of her boats to pieces, and done other damage, but had not materially injured her running rigging.

The two mates and Gerald, with all hands, went to the ropes, while the captain taking the helm, the ship was brought on a wind, the mizen, which had hitherto been furled, being also set, and the Ouzel Galley stood away on a bowline under all sail to the south-east. "She has the look of a fast craft, and is probably strong-handed," observed the second mate.

The masts were then stepped, and the rigging set up to the gunnel of the boat, the yards and sails handed in, and hooked on the halyards ready for hoisting. In fact the boat was now all ready for starting; they had only the iron kettle and two or three other articles to put in. "Shall we have the mizen?" inquired one of the men, pointing to the mast, which lay on the rocks.