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Updated: August 21, 2024

Wonderful is the change in the appearance of the tropical representatives of well-known families in the Old World. The india-rubber tree belongs to the milk-weed family. The euphorbiaceae assume the form of colossal trees, constituting a considerable part of its strange and luxuriant forest growth.

You remember the pleasant spot, which we named the Happy Valley, where the bright creek runs dancing along so merrily, below the pine-ridge?" "Oh yes; the same that winds along near the foot of Bare Hill, where the water-cresses grow." "Yes, where I gathered the milk-weed the other day." "What a beautiful pasture-field that will make when it is cleared!" said Hector thoughtfully.

The churn went up and down with the branch, and the milk from the milk-weed sloshed and splashed around inside the churn, and land sakes flopsy-dub and some chewing gum, if in about two squeals there wasn't the nicest butter a guinea pig or a toad would ever want to eat! "Oh, what a smart little girl you are!" cried Mrs. Toad. "I'm sure your mother must be proud of you!

"A flower like the bird's-eye and leaves like the saxifrage," repeated the children; and they ran into the wood and the fields to look for the goldpowder. Not one of the children found it; a little boy, it is true, came home with some milk-weed, which have a tiny bit of gold dust on the points of its leaves; but the milk-weed is poisonous, and it was not at all what was wanted.

At one time there was much talk in the family of using the fibre of a common weed in making paper, which he thought he could introduce; perhaps it was the milk-weed; but he could not manage it, somehow; and after a year of inaction he decided to go into another newspaper. By this time the boys had made their peace with the printing business, and the father had made his with the Whig party.

We went by little French villages and fields at first, and then through rocky, tangled woods of birch and poplar, rich with milk-weed and blue cornflowers, and the aromatic thimbleberry blossom, and that romantic, light, purple-red flower which is called fireweed, because it is the first vegetation to spring up in the prairie after a fire has passed over, and so might be adopted as the emblematic flower of a sense of humour.

There is also another plant, called Indian hemp, which is a small shrubby kind of milk-weed, that grows on gravelly islands. It bears white flowers, and the branches are long and slender; under the bark there is a fine silky thread covering the wood; this is tough, and can be twisted and spun into cloth. It is very white and fine, and does not easily break.

"Oh, yes, the same that winds along near the foot of Bare-hill, where the water-cresses grow." "Yes, where I gathered the milk-weed the other day." "What a beautiful pasture-field that will make, when it is cleared!" said Hector, thoughtfully. "Hector is always planning about fields, and clearing great farms," said Louis, laughing.

During good Catocala years, great numbers of these moths may be taken as they feed at the sweet syrup. So it is proved that their food is sap, honeydew, and other sugary liquids. Mr. George Dodge assures me that he has taken Catocala abbreviatella at milk-weed blooms about eight o'clock of early July evenings. Other species also feed on flowers."

The maiden had attained the age of eighteen, and was the admiration of the youth for many days' journey round. Her cheeks were the color of the wild honey-suckle, her lips like strawberries, and the juice of the milk-weed was not whiter than her teeth.

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