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While over beside the big steer the cowboy mounted his pony and coiling his rope as he rode, joined the group of riders who lounged in their saddles and grinned their appreciation. "Ladies an' gents," began the Mayor, "you have jest witnessed a ropin' contest the winner of which is Tex Benton to beat who McLaughlin himself would have to do his da doggondest!

Her eyes were brown, too, while Nellie's were blue, but otherwise Nellie was much like her mother, so people said. Aunt Emily and Mrs. Bobbsey had visited Mrs. McLaughlin in the city, so that they were quite well acquainted when the donkey cart drove up, and they all had a laugh over the surprise to Nellie.

Bobbsey, who was down from the city. "The value," repeated the captain aside, so that the strangers might not hear. "Well, I'm a rich man now, and so is my mate, McLaughlin, for that wood was contracted for by the largest and richest piano firm in this country, and now it is all but delivered to them and the money in our hands." "Then it was well worth all your sacrifice?" said Mr. Minturn.

The boss went back to the office to get his pocketbook; McLaughlin saw him; then he went down the stairs; Nahum, he he fired; he had been hidin' underneath the stairs. Carl Olfsen caught him, and he's in jail. Your daughter she was there when the shot came, and run up and held his head. The young boss he sent her in Dr. James's buggy to Mrs. Lloyd to break the news. She 'ain't got home?"

The following biographies are valuable for the period: T. W. Barnes, Memoir of Thurlow Weed ; William Birney, James G. Birney and his Times ; G. L. Austin, Life and Times of Wendell Phillips ; Henry Cleveland, Alexander Stephens in Public and Private ; W. H. Haynes, Charles Sumner , in American Crises series; A. C. McLaughlin, Lewis Cass , in American Statesmen series.

Hugh O'Neil was succeeded in Tyrone by Donnell McLaughlin, of the rival branch of the same stock, who in 1241 was subdued by O'Donnell, and the ascendancy of the family of O'Neil established in the person of Brian, afterwards chosen King of Ireland, and slain at Down.

Wounded and Missing A. J. McLaughlin, George Overy. Slightly Wounded L. L. Sawtell, N. Schoh, J. Arndt, J. Grant, . Hayes. Of those mentioned as killed, Chauncey Lyon was killed instantly; Sergeant Wolf had his head entirely blown off, and, as is supposed, by one of our own guns, as he was seen to step in front of the battery just as the command to fire was given.

We therefore planned that the four of us, and an Irish surgeon named McLaughlin, should appear at the Kingsbridge tavern at ten o'clock on a certain night for which the almanac promised moonlight, and should repair to the meeting-place when the moon should be high enough to illumine the hollow. The weapons were to be rapiers.

Sayer's case was called first, but he was held by the Metis outside of the Court room. Other unimportant business was then taken up until one o'clock. An Irish relative of old Andrew McDermott, named McLaughlin, attempted to interfere, but was instantly suppressed.

Why do not our opponents refer to impartial and unprejudiced men, men like Dr. Allen McLaughlin, a United States immigration official, who makes just the opposite statement?" I. Induction. A. Have enough instances of the class under consideration been investigated to establish the existence of a general law?