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Then there came past my litter, stepping daintily across the planks, a most fair and noble lady, tall and black haired and graceful, wrapped against the sea air in the rare beaver skins of the Teifi River, and wonderful stuffs that the traders from the east bring to Marazion, such as we Saxons seldom see but as priceless booty, paid for with lives of men in war with West Wales in days not long gone by.

'I set off on foot, writes my grandfather, 'for Marazion, a town at the head of Mount's Bay, where I was in hopes of getting a boat to freight. I had just got that length, and was making the necessary inquiry, when a young man, accompanied by several idle- looking fellows, came up to me, and in a hasty tone said, "Sir, in the king's name I seize your person and papers."

"About as much as that infant there," Nan said, indicating a stout person of five at the next table. "Just about, I daresay. She's only six stone. What are we to do about it?" His eyes caressed Gerda, as they might have caressed a child. He would be a delightful uncle by marriage, Nan thought. They took the road to Marazion. The tide was going out.

James over the south doorway, said to have been brought here from Goldsithney, about a mile inland. Another mile along the coast, and we are at Marazion "Where the great vision of the guarded Mount Looks towards Namancos and Bayona's hold."

I have other things to think of than making love to you, and one is, how we are to get to our ships, and moreover, past Marazion town." And hard work they had to get thither. After which they all sailed away for Ireland, and there, like young Beichan, "Prepared another wedding, With all their hearts so full of glee."

My mother is dead and buried in Marazion churchyard, and I have neither kith nor kin in the wide world." "Come with me to Beechcot," said I, "you shall abide there for the rest of your days in peace and plenty." But he shook his head. "Nay, master," he answered, "that would never do. I am naught but a rough sea-dog, and I should be too big and savage for a quiet life.

From Marazion to Penzance there are three miles of flat, uninteresting road perhaps the dullest bit of coast-road in all Cornwall, were it not for the beauty of the Bay. Whatever claims other places may set up, Penzance is truly the business capital of western Cornwall, the metropolis of the Land's End district. It is first and foremost a market-town.

I remember in that queer double life of mine, when I was your unconscious rival, I used to interchange them until they almost seemed to be the same identity to me. There is some little mystery behind the likeness which we shall have cleared up before very long now. Natas told me to take Lord Marazion to him in the saloon, and said he would not enter the Castle till he had spoken with him alone.

A Cover called Tummels drove with him, bandaged also; and stopping the chaise a mile outside Marazion, lifted Dan'l out, managed to hire a cart from a farm handy-by the road, and so brought him, more dead than alive, home to Porthleah. But though more dead than alive, Dan'l had not lost his wits.

And the occasion was worthy alike of the smell and of the noise; for King Alef, finding that after the Ogre's death the neighboring kings were but too ready to make reprisals on him for his champion's murders and robberies, had made a treaty of alliance, offensive and defensive, with Hannibal the son of Gryll, King of Marazion, and had confirmed the same by bestowing on him the hand of his fair daughter.