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Four days later she was riding through the native town of Loango, accompanied by a lady-friend, when she met Victor Durnovo. The sight of him gave her a distinct shock. She knew that he had left Loango three days before with all his men. There was no doubt about that. Moreover, his air was distinctly furtive almost scared.

"If I had been a man I should have been half-way there by this time." "Where is Durnovo?" he asked suddenly. "I believe he is in Loango. He has not been to this house for more than a fortnight; but Maurice has heard that he is still somewhere in Loango." Jocelyn paused. There was an expression on Guy Oscard's face which she rather liked, while it alarmed her.

He had learned from slaves that the old kingdoms of Loango, Mahango, and Angay are bounded eastwards, or inland, by Mayombe, a belt of forest, the threshold of the unknown interior. It begins the up-slope to the great Ghat ridge, which, visible after a day's journey, separates the coast from the central basin.

BY AN EXTENSION of the like precaution kings are sometimes forbidden ever to leave their palaces; or, if they are allowed to do so, their subjects are forbidden to see them abroad. The fetish king of Benin, who was worshipped as a deity by his subjects, might not quit his palace. After his coronation the king of Loango is confined to his palace, which he may not leave.

This fine undertaking set out early in 1875. To Sao Paulo De Loanda. At Loango, by invitation of Commander Hoskins, R.N., I transferred myself on board H.M. Steamship "Zebra," one of the nymphs of the British navy, and began the 240 miles southwards. There was no wind except a slant at sunset, and the current often carried us as far backwards as the sails drove us onwards.

None may, however, pass beyond the sphere of its own specialty without exposing itself to the risk of being universally proscribed." From the Loango Coast, Bastian tells of a great number of centers for special products of domestic industry. "Loango excels in mats and fishing baskets, while the carving of elephants' tusks is specially followed in Chilungo.

And this man the mighty warrior whose name was as good as an army in Central Africa went down on his knees one night to Guy Oscard, imploring him to abandon the Simiacine Plateau, or at all events to allow him to go down to Loango with Meredith and Joseph. "No," said Oscard; "Meredith held this place for us when he could have left it safely. He has held it for a year. It is our turn now.

Wesley had this great cause much at heart, and frequently recommended it to the support of those who attended his useful ministry. In the year 1776, the Abbé Proyart brought out, at Paris, his History of Loango, and other kingdoms in Africa, in which he did ample justice to the moral and intellectual character of the natives there.

"But," he said, "there was no one in Loango connected with the scheme who" he paused, touching her sleeve with a bony finger "who sent the telegram home to young Oscard the telegram calling him out to Jack's relief?" "Oh," she explained lightly, "I did. My brother was away, so there was no one else to do it, you see!" "Yes I see." And perhaps he did. Lady Cantourne helped them skilfully.

Immediately her husband prostrates himself and adores her; she ceases to bear the humble title of wife and is called "Lord"; domestic duties have no further claim on her, and her will is a divine law. The king of Loango is honoured by his people "as though he were a god; and he is called Sambee and Pango, which mean god.