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Updated: August 23, 2024

The reopening of the Eastern question made her ascendency more difficult to maintain. The congress of Laibach had been closed, but the sovereigns had not yet departed, when the news arrived that a revolt, engineered by Greeks with the pretence of Russian support, had broken out against the Turks in Moldavia and Wallachia.

This example was shortly afterward followed by the Neapolitans, who were also dissatisfied with the conduct of their sovereign. Prince Metternich instantly brought about a congress at Troppau. The new congress held at Laibach, in 1821, was followed by the entrance of the Austrians under Frimont into Italy.

No one denies that a diversion of our main effort from France to Laibach in the winter of 1917 would have been fatal to us in the spring of 1918, but it is not clear that the thousands of troops we lost at Loos and the French in Champagne in the autumn of 1915 might not better have been employed in saving Serbia or forcing the Dardanelles. The Dardanelles

According to one of his colleagues, he was the only member of his Cabinet who favoured British participation in the Pacifist Conference of Stockholm; in the November before the great German offensive in the West he quoted with approval a plea for concentration at Laibach; and the views he expressed on the Salonika expedition varied with the fortunes of war and the fluctuations of popular favour.

The Epistle would retain in this book the same value also in the case, that the report should not be correct that he is Bishop of Laibach; because the facts which I relate in the Epistle as facts known to him are facts of my own experience and such as occurred in close connection with my experience, and have been attested by many witnesses directly after they happened.

The reason why Canning broke with the Holy Alliance, after Troppau, Laibach, and Verona, was because he discerned something more than a tendency on the part of Continental States to crush the free development of peoples, especially in reference to the Latin-American States of South America.

At length the Epistle which appears in this treatise, has been sent to him as to Prince Bishop of Laibach, on the above mentioned authority.

His name in full is Don Carlos de los Dolores Juan Isidore Josef Francisco Quirino Antonio Miguel Gabriel Rafael. He was born in the little village of Laibach in the Austrian Alps, while his parents were on a journey through the country, and from his infancy his career has been surrounded with a romance which has endeared him to the hearts of his followers.

Generals Moiselle and Lefebre surrendered fortified Laibach, together with its entire brigade, without discharging a gun. And even our quondam friend, the gallant Colonel Barthelmy, has taken Dutch leave and gone back to the enemy." "What? Gone back to the enemy!" repeated Ludwig, springing from his chair, and laughing delightedly. "The news seems to rejoice you," observed Herr Bernat.

In my third volume of Memorable Events more than one hundred pages have been used for disclosing Dante's strange prophecy regarding the Messenger of God in the 33d or the last Song of Purgatory, in connection with other prophecies with which it is parallel and in connection with the prophecies which have been given A.D. 1814 at the first distribution of premiums after the fall of Emperor Napoleon I, when our city of Laibach returned under the Austrian government, and I received Dante's Divine Comedy for the first premium out of the Italian language.

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