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The meddlesome officials, actuated, as I always hold, by jealousy, found the name of the seller upon it. They investigated. The seller testified that it had never been in the possession of Mr. Kipson, as far as he knew. It was sold to a man whose description tallied with that of a criminal long watched by the police. He was arrested, and turned Queen's evidence in the hope of hanging his pal.

I shall be relieved, however, when you are able to work out the A B C of detection for yourself, although I shall never object to helping you with the words of more than three syllables. Having made up his mind to commit suicide, Kipson naturally intended to do it before he reached Brewster, because tickets are again examined at that point.

"Tell me about it," he said simply. "Old Barrie Kipson," I began, "was a stockbroker in the City. He lived in Pegram, and it was his custom to " "COME IN!" shouted Kombs, without changing his position, but with a suddenness that startled me. I had heard no knock. "Excuse me," said my friend, laughing, "my invitation to enter was a trifle premature.

Nothing is original. Everything has been done before. What about the Pegram affair?" "The Pegram ah case has baffled everyone. The Evening Blade wishes you to investigate, so that it may publish the result. It will pay you well. Will you accept the commission?" "Possibly. Tell me about the case." "I thought everybody knew the particulars. Mr. Barrie Kipson lived at Pegram.

It seemed that Mr. Kipson, who was a gloomy, taciturn man, and usually came home in a compartment by himself, thus escaping observation, had been murdered in the lane leading to his house. After robbing him, the miscreants turned their thoughts towards the disposal of the body a subject that always occupies a first-class criminal mind before the deed is done.

'I beg to call your attention, first, to the fact that this train stands between two platforms, and can be entered from either side. Any man familiar with the station for years would be aware of that fact. This shows how Mr. Kipson entered the train just before it started. 'But the door on this side is locked, I objected, trying it. 'Of course. But every season ticket-holder carries a key.

Nothing is original. Everything has been done before. What about the Pegram affair? 'The Pegram ah case has baffled everyone. The Evening Blade wishes you to investigate, so that it may publish the result. It will pay you well. Will you accept the commission? 'Possibly. Tell me about the case. 'I thought everybody knew the particulars. Mr. Barrie Kipson lived at Pegram.

I shall be relieved, however, when you are able to work out the ABC of detection for yourself, although I shall never object to helping you with the words of more than three syllables. Having made up his mind to commit suicide, Kipson naturally intended to do it before he reached Brewster, because tickets are again examined at that point.

The meddlesome officials, actuated, as I always hold, by jealousy, found the name of the seller upon it. They investigated. The seller testified that it had never been in the possession of Mr Kipson, as far as he knew. It was sold to a man whose description tallied with that of a criminal long watched by the police. He was arrested, and turned Queen's evidence in the hope of hanging his pal.

'Tell me about it, he said simply. 'Old Barrie Kipson, I began, 'was a stockbroker in the City. He lived in Pegram, and it was his custom to 'COME IN! shouted Kombs, without changing his position, but with a suddenness that startled me. I had heard no knock. 'Excuse me, said my friend, laughing, 'my invitation to enter was a trifle premature.