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"It looks," Sir Richmond said, "as though some old giantess had left a discarded set of teeth on the hillside." Far more impressive than Stonehenge itself were the barrows that capped the neighbouring crests. The sacred stones were fenced about, and our visitors had to pay for admission at a little kiosk by the gate.

What could he have been seeking, whither had he been going, since the morning, ever on a wild, solitary chase through the Paris of wealth and enjoyment while hunger dogged his steps? It was only with difficulty that he now dragged himself along, his will and energy seemed to be exhausted. As if quite overcome, he drew near to a kiosk, and for a moment leant against it.

But it was the band that drew them all to it finally; even the fishermen on the lower pier taking up their pitch within its range. The band played in the Moorish kiosk. Number nine went up on the board. It was a waltz tune.

A small open kiosk, in shape something like a theatre proscenium, stands in the centre, its outside walls completely hidden by rose and jasmine bushes. Inside all is gold moulding, light blue, green, and vermilion. A dome of looking-glass reflects the tesselated floor.

'You know that little place they call the "Kiosk" down the Grand Parade, near the bandstand, asked Harlow after a pause. 'Where they used to sell refreshments? 'Yes; it belongs to the Corporation, you know. 'It's been closed up lately, ain't it? 'Yes; the people who 'ad it couldn't make it pay; but I 'eard last night that Grinder the fruit-merchant is goin' to open it again.

But Momoy had attended the wedding, so his posthumous emotion can be appreciated: he had been near the kiosk. "That's what no one can explain," replied Chichoy. "Who would have any interest in breaking up the fiesta? There couldn't have been more than one, as the celebrated lawyer Señor Pasta who was there on a visit declared either an enemy of Don Timoteo's or a rival of Juanito's."

The Norman, who wanted his luxury ready-made, bought Couture's furniture and all the improvements he was forced to leave behind him, a kiosk in the garden, where he smoked, a gallery in rustic wood, with India mattings and adorned with potteries, through which to reach the kiosk if it rained. When the Heir was complimented on his apartment, he called it his den.

He erected in the centre of it a kiosk, the walls of which were six hundred feet long, and the cement and all the jointings of it were of silver.

We had reckoned on being introduced to the particular establishment of the Miralahi, and rejoiced in the prospect of so befitting a conclusion to our morning's researches. But our friend marshalled us onward through stables and gardens, to the prettiest little kiosk you would wish to see, snugly ensconced beneath vines and creepers, at one end of his dwelling.

Slaves waited on them, and filled their earthen beakers with yellow beer. The scandalous pictures in the so-called kiosk of Medinet Habu, the caricatures in an indescribable papyrus at Turin, confirm these statements. "My arms ache; the mob of slaves get more and more dirty and refractory."