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Updated: August 20, 2024

It is probable that the secretion from the glandular zone of the ciliary body is increased. On subsidence of the congestion, as after miotics or iridectomy, the tissues may return to very nearly a normal condition. The iris recedes from contact with the ligamentum pectinatum and cornea and the filtration angle is again open.

The poor results following an iridectomy in chronic glaucoma have led to the devising of many substitute operations, of which those tending to the production of a filtering scar are now preferred, and, experience shows, hold out the most hope of bringing about long continued relief.

This being the case one cannot truthfully say that trephining alone can take the place of the old Graefe iridectomy. On the other hand, trephining may with advantage be employed instead of iridectomy for cases difficult or dangerous under the latter method.

Late or secondary infection, not unknown following iridectomy, may follow the trephine operation, and already some fifteen or sixteen cases have been reported. At present, as pointed out by Meller, whose statistics Dr.

We all know that Thomas Henderson maintains that the results of iridectomy are beneficial because the raw edges of the coloboma, which do not cicatrize, permit access of the aqueous to the iris veins, and that myotics, inasmuch as they contract the pupil, open the iris crypts and therefore act, less efficiently, perhaps, but act none the less like an iridectomy.

Of the cases with varying degrees of vision from hand movements to six-ninths all but one have either remained the same or shown some improvement. The one exception was an eye having six-ninths vision. A small button hole iridectomy was made; prolapse of the iris into the wound occurred four days later requiring incision.

I refer to iridectomy, the Lagrange operation, and the Elliot operation. So far as regards the last named procedure, I congratulate this Society that it has had an opportunity of seeing a demonstration and hearing a discussion by the famous ophthalmic surgeon who perfected it.

Kingozi sat quietly, turning his head to either side, raising or lowering his chin as he was requested to do so. At last McCloud straightened his back. "It is glaucoma right enough," said he; "fairly advanced. The pilocarpin has been a palliative. An operation is called for iridectomy." He paused, wiping his mirror. Nobody dared ask the question that Kingozi himself at last propounded.

The operation is not without difficulties, and one is inclined to agree with Elliot who says that "The man who can make a 'finished iridectomy' quietly and cleanly has graduated as an ophthalmic operator." The difficulties of an iridectomy are especially pronounced in those cases in which the anterior chamber is extremely shallow and the iris is pressed against the cornea.

In these acute cases there is probably only a mere apposition, and the blocking up of the sclero-iridian angle is largely mechanical. Here the root of the iris is readily removed in its entirety and a really peripheral iridectomy is easily done. When, however, a true adhesion between corneal and iridic tissue takes place the filtration angle is not so easily opened.

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