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Here and there in the Metropolitan and Flatiron buildings shone an isolated and belated window light. At the Garden a Wild West show with rings and side performances had long ago disgorged its crowds and quieted its pandemonium of brass bands. Len Haswell had been walking with the aimlessness of insomnia, and asking himself over and over one question: "What changed it all?"

I fear I would have been tempted sorely to lie awake thinking: "here I am, an old man, driven from my kingdom, and my home, by my own boy, that I have loved better than my own life." Do you think you would have slept much? Tell me. And I thought, as first that came to me, "I never will have insomnia again: I'll trust."

Especially when they were viewed from the point of view of insomnia. Mr. Britling's first marriage had been a passionately happy one. His second was by comparison a marriage in neutral tint. There is much to be said for that extreme Catholic theory which would make marriage not merely lifelong but eternal. Certainly Mr.

His thoughts, however, did not contemplate the Princess fair in a state of wretched insomnia, with himself as the disturbing element. He looked for her at breakfast time. They usually had their rolls and coffee together. "She's trying to forget yesterday," he reflected. "What was it she said about always regreting? Oh, well, it's the way of women.

I was able to argue about it even as I looked at it, and to tell myself that it was a subjective impression a chimera of the nerves begotten by worry and insomnia. But why this particular shape? And who is the woman, and what is the dreadful emotion which I read in those wonderful brown eyes? They come between me and my work.

As soon as he was dressed he entered the adjoining room which Pierre occupied; but the young priest, who had not returned to the hotel until past one in the morning, with his blood heated by insomnia, had been unable to doze off until daybreak and was now still slumbering.

'I wouldn't mind having a bad appetite if I could sleep, said he; 'it's insomnia that tells upon a fellow.

One woman, whose name became famous with her first concert, told me that she spent the first year over here in tears. Nothing that friends can do, no amount of kindness or hospitality avails as a preventive. You can take bromides and cure insomnia. You can take chloroform, and enough of it will prevent seasickness, but nothing avails for Heimweh.

"Now I say that the preaching about sex-hygiene that is going on in recent books and in the periodical press is immoral in its tendency. It is like saying, 'Don't lie, for if you do, you won't sleep at night, and insomnia is bad for the health." If insomnia often follows lying, then it should be taught as one reason why falsehoods should be avoided.

It did not attack her. It did worse. It admired her ...impudently. It spoke of her once as "Norah," and once as "the Scrope Flapper." Its headline proclaimed: "Plucky Flappers Hold Up L. G." THE night after his conversation with Eleanor was the first night of the bishop's insomnia. It was the definite beginning of a new phase in his life.