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In her he seemed to be discovering, all over again, the vestal to tend the fires of his faith. Dick Allport, too, bending forward over the table on which his hands fell clenched, was studying Leila with an inscrutable stare that seemed to be of query.

I rent a room just outside the town. It's cheap and clean." "If I remember right those weren't the points that seemed most important to you when you lived in Chicago." "Chicago!" "I don't know what you mean by that, Edward. It's the greatest city in the world." "I know," said Edward. Bateman glanced at him quickly, but his face was inscrutable. "When are you coming back to it?"

A large photograph stood against the book rack. Three little naked Indian children with feathers in their hair were dancing in the foreground. Behind them lay an ancient cliff dwelling half in ruins. To the left an Indian warrior, arms folded on his broad chest stood watching the children, his face full of an inscrutable sadness. The children were extraordinarily beautiful.

Eugene is in an uncomfortable mood and teases Cecil. Violet seems always a little afraid of this handsome young man, who has a way of making inscrutable remarks. Her music is melancholy this evening, and Cecil is difficult to please, so she is glad when bedtime comes and with it a résumé of the times of the wonderful Haroun al Raschid.

They're a wonderful race women are; and for what Inscrutable reason it has pleased Providence to create them " The opening of the door brought to a sudden end this little touch of moralizing, and a wrinkled old porter thrust out a very withered and unlovely face. "La Masque at home?" inquired Ormiston, stepping in, without ceremony.

Higher, I saw the hideous form of the dread goddess, rising up through the red gloom, thousands of fathoms above me. To the left, I made out the monstrous Eyeless-Thing, grey and inscrutable. Further off, reclining on its lofty ledge, the livid Ghoul-Shape showed a splash of sinister color, among the dark mountains. Slowly, I moved out across the great arena floating.

His face was inscrutable. He paced the length of the room twice; he stood at the window gazing out at the arbors, at the bees buzzing contentedly, at the flies darting across the sifting sunbeams. "Beautiful place, this," said he at last; "very homelike. No wonder you're a happy man." A pause. "As to the other matter, I'll see. No doubt I can stop this through the courts, if you push me to it."

Life thrilled the air although no life was visible. Davia's fear was written in her face, Jean's expression was inscrutable; only was it sure that he listened. But Jean was not without the superstitious dread which madness inspires.

"I can't accept it. I can't believe in any creed of which the central doctrine is that God who is Joy should have had to suffer. Perhaps it was so; in some inscrutable way I believe it may have been so, but I don't understand how it was possible. So I leave it alone; my affair is joy." They had come to the weir above the village, and the thunder of riotous cool water was heavy in the air.

We human beings are as powerless to conceive the motive or the moral of it all as the dog is powerless to understand the reasoning in his master's mind. He sees the master's acts, benevolent or malevolent, and wags his tail. But the master's acts are always inscrutable to him. And so with us. "And therefore, brethren, let us take the road with a light heart.