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As I drove along I saw a small crowd at one of the street corners a gesticulating, laughing crowd, listening to an "improvisatore" or wandering poet a plump-looking fellow who had all the rhymes of Italy at his fingers' ends, and who could make a poem on any subject or an acrostic on any name, with perfect facility.

Here they made more acquaintances than heretofore, Professor Pacchiani, called also "Il Diavolo," introducing them to the Prince Mavrocordato, the Princess Aigiropoli, the improvisatore Sgricci, Taafe, and last, not least, to Emilia Viviani.

In 1820 he left Charterhouse, and went to Pembroke College, Oxford, where, in the following year, while still a freshman, he published his first volume, The Improvisatore, a series of short narratives in verse. The book had been written in part while he was at school; and its immaturity is obvious.

The romantic, impulsive improvisatore does not feel this need, considers it bound to defeat its own aim; and, given his own gifts, he is right.

The Italians Pastoral Dramas of Tasso and Guarini Small progress in Tragedy Metastasio and Alfieri Character of both Comedies of Ariosto, Aretin, Porta Improvisatore Masks Goldoni Gozzi Latest state. Leaving now the productions of Classical Antiquity, we proceed to the dramatic literature of the moderns.

She was particularly active as a poet about 1824-35, when appeared the works whose titles The Improvisatore, The Troubadour, The Golden Violet suggested parodies to Thackeray. Her best novel is held to be Ethel Churchill, published in 1837. Next year she married Mr.

The spacious atelier is full of scholars and apprentices employed in carrying out their master's ideas or making chemical experiments, but careless of the noise of tools and hammers, the fair-haired boy Angelo sings his golden song, and Serafino the wondrous improvisatore chants his own verses to the sound of the lyre.

As to the form hexameter and other verses, made up of Latin words and Italian words with Latin endings its comic effect lies chiefly in the fact that these combinations sound like so many slips of the tongue, or like the effusions of an over- hasty Latin 'improvisatore. The German imitations do not give the smallest notion of this effect. Fall of the Humanists in the Sixteenth Century

Luciana seemed embarrassed, taken by surprise, and contrary to her custom let herself be asked more than once. She could not decide upon her character, desired the party to choose, and asked, like an improvisatore, for a subject.

When an Improvisatore sees the attention of his audience fixed, and when he comes to some very interesting part of his narrative, he dexterously drops his hat upon the ground, and pauses till his auditors have paid tribute to his eloquence. When he thinks the hat sufficiently full, he takes it up again, and proceeds with his story.